The CSD Board of Directors approves this Monday the statutes of the first professional women’s soccer league


The Board of Directors of the Higher Sports Council (CSD) plans to approve this Monday the statutes that allow the definitive start-up of the first women’s professional soccer league in Spain.

This Monday a meeting will be held in the Council, starting at 11:00 a.m., to close the only issue that was pending to carry out the professionalization of national women’s football, which will be chaired by the president of the CSD, José Manuel Franco, and with the presence of all the parties involved.

This approval will occur almost a year after Irene Lozano, at the time the head of the Council, officially announced the creation of this professional league on March 25, 2021. The CSD approved this professionalization on June 15, but from then until this date the process had slowed down, especially due to the issue of the statutes, where there was no agreement with FC Barcelona, ​​Athletic Club and Real Madrid.

Once these statutes are given the green light, the next steps will be to call an election to direct the person who will preside over this new professional league. For now, the ‘United for Football’ candidacy, led by former international goalkeeper Ainhoa ​​Tirapu and Dolores Martelli, has been the only one to show its desire to do so.