The crossing of darts between Risto and Natalia Almarcha after announcing their breakup: “I have defended you, even without arguments”

things between Risto Mejide y Natalia Almarch They don’t seem to have ended well. At least that is what the publicist’s ex-girlfriend herself suggests in a statement that she has shared through her social networks after confirming her breakup.

The first thing the young pharmacist has said is that she has “a super clear conscience” since they began their relationship at the beginning of December, almost three months after the presenter of Everything is a lie announced his divorce from Laura Scanes.

“It is a relationship in which I have given everything, no mistreatment towards that person. Since that date, no conversation out of tune with any uncle can be taken from me. I have had to expose myself more than I would have liked, I have not sought no economic interest, I have had to endure harsh criticism, etc”, says Almarcha.

Natalia says that Risto is a person whom she has defended “always tooth and nail, even without arguments. But neither can I allow everyone to ask me today what I have done to leave such a bad thing in the text that is published. I don’t deserve it. And less with the impeccable treatment I’ve had towards him”.

The Valencian concludes her writing by stating that, “out of respect” she is not going to tell anything “that she has lived with anyone”, although “I could perfectly use this medium to give my version instead of having to defend myself, and no”.

Risto Mejide’s statement

Natalia’s text is a response to Mejide’s statement, in which the writer commented that he was “never” going to publicly tell the reason for the end of a relationship “and not because I lack desire, or reasons many times.”

“Therefore, after the breakup, do not expect me to fall prey to any accusation, insinuation, slander, insult or simply reasonable doubt. That person will always deserve my respect and therefore, my most sincere containment. If she decides to tell you half of our story, it will be up to her. But I, for her and for my children, for something they can read and see is a future, I will remain silent. If I am brave to love, I am also brave to remain silent. And no, he who is silent does not grant”, concluded Risto.
