The court opens the liquidation process of Extremadura

The Commercial Court of Badajoz has issued a ruling by which it agrees “the non-approval of the agreement” proposed by the Extremadura UD to pay the debts with the creditors after the agreement reached a few months ago in the assembly and, therefore, opens the liquidation phase.

The titular judge has announced, through a ruling to which she has had access Eph, which opens the liquidation phase of the bankruptcy in which the club of Almendralejo and the powers of administration and disposition of the bankrupt club over its assets during the phase are “suspense” with all the effects established by law.

Lastly, it declares the company “dissolved”. Extremadura UD sports corporation, “ceasing its function to its administrators, who will be replaced by the bankruptcy administration”.

Faced with this ruling, an appeal can be made in the next five days, so the club that presides over Manuel Franganillo could allege issues to avoid its liquidation taking into account the negotiations it has with an investment group, represented in Javier Paez Y Daniel Moreno.

The latter met a few days ago with the president of Extremadura, William Fernandez Vara, and with the mayor of Almendralejo, Jose Maria Ramirez, to request the continuity of public aid and the transfer of the stadium Francisco de la Hera.

This group also negotiates with the Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE) the payment and the possible reduction of the debt that the Barça club maintains with many of the players in the squad who have left in the winter market after months without receiving their payroll.

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