George Becali is the President of the Steaua of Bucharest, and out of Romania He is best known for his controversial statements, such as those he made when his team was framed against the Vitoria de Guimaraes in the Europa League: “They are so bad I will cut my head if they mark us”.

Now as you collect O Jogo, Becali, wants his staff to abandon confinement due to coronavirus to train in the open field, always following the WHO's instructions: “We are not training, but we will return. The law says that you have to keep a meter away and that there cannot be more than fifty people in the same space. That means that they cannot be in the locker room, but they can exercise in the field. If we give them training plans to do at home, the players won't do it. Are they going to do this in a twenty-square-meter apartment? “
The Romanian president is convinced that if they consult the footballers they will give the go-ahead despite the fact that the chances of contracting coronaviruses would be much higher than if they were locked up at home: “We are not going to train with the ball because it requires contact. It is only physical training. The players will understand this decision. If they greet each other, we stop and send them home. We will simply ask them if they want to train outdoors or in a house with twenty meters squares. We will abide by the law. Players will stay six meters away and eventually go home immediately. Everyone will shower at home. “
Finally, Becali assured that he will help control the pandemic by having a company dedicate itself to manufacturing 5,000 protective suits and masks a day to donate to hospitals that need them: “I spoke to the largest factory in Romania and told them to stop doing what they were doing and to make non-stop masks and protective clothing. I am going to buy it and deliver it to hospitals. They will make 5,000 a day.”