The controversial state funeral of Berlusconi: in the Duomo of Milan and with giant screens

Italy points out the details to say goodbye to the former prime minister, who died this Monday at the age of 86 from developed leukemia. The ceremony, which has aroused great controversy for being elevated to a state funeral, will begin this Wednesday at the Duomo in Milan at 3:00 p.m.

The funeral of Silvio Berlusconi meet this Wednesday in his hometown, Milan, his family and friends, as well as national and European authorities. In addition, it is estimated that the huge esplanade that makes up the Duomo temple will bring together up to 10,000 followers and sympathizers, who will be able to follow the event live on giant screens.

Those who will participate in the funeral will be the main representatives of the country: the head of state, Sergio Mattarellay Giorgia Meloni, prime minister of the coalition government of Berlusconi’s party. Also, his girlfriend will attend, the deputy martha fascinates, 53 years younger than him. In total, the Milan cathedral will host some 1,800 attendees, according to the organizers of the ceremony.

State funerals in Italy follow a strict protocol. The coffin must be transported by six agents of the Carabineros in dress uniform and receive military honors, both at the exit and at the entrance of the temple.

The decision of the Meloni government to pay this high tribute to Berlusconi, as well as to decree national mourning, has been criticized by the opposition, as they claim that it is an “inopportune” act.
