The complaint against Rubiales filed by the Madrileña for documentary falsehood is filed

The RFEF has once again received a dismissal order regarding the complaint filed by the Madrid Football Federation. The court of instruction number 10 of Madrid understands that there is no case of documentary falsification by President Luis Rubiales, as denounced by Paco Díez, president of the territory of Madrid.

The order is conclusive regarding the cleaning of the movements of the RFEF on the proposal of expansion of the Assembly through ex officio members. According to the magistrate, the regulations were respected in accordance with the laws in a whole process that was clean by President Luis Rubiales and the Secretary General, Andreu Camps.

Ultimately, it is a new judicial resolution favorable to the RFEF and its president. “We knew that the complaint did not have any route because each RFEF movement conformed to the norm, but it is a habitual practice of the organisms related to LaLiga against Luis Rubiales to present him before the public opinion as a suspicious and conflictive person. The president has endured since he took office a string of false complaints that have just been filed. It is the same satellites that They are in charge of distributing the accusations among the media, but then they disappear when the justice again agrees with Luis Rubiales ”, explains the criminal lawyer Ramón Caravaca.

“Fortunately, all these actions, more typical of an organization with spurious purposes, are dismantled one by one by the Justice, that finally triumphs, despite attempts to wear down the president of the RFEF to destroy his image and manage the institution that directs soccer in Spain at will, ”concludes Caravaca.

Six legal actions without route

This is the sixth judicial action that has been dismissed or filed by the Justice against the president of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales, in recent months, all filed by LaLiga de Fútbol Profesional or third associations, persons or entities linked to it. Among other:

1.-RFFM (Preliminary Proceedings 465/2020 – J.I. No. 10 of Madrid). Free dismissal

2.-Thebes (Trial on minor crimes 972/2019 – J.I. No. 27 of Madrid). Archive

3.-Complaint before CSD Javier Tebas Medrano, Javier Lozano Cid and Francisco Díez Ibáñez, with subsequent accession by Jonathan Praena Sánchez (September 22, 2020). Criminal organization. D18 / 20. Desestimated

4.-Subsequent extension of the complaint (September 30, 2020) à Dismissed – Resolution CSD November 18, 2020. Dismissed

5.-Preliminary Proceedings 1788/2020 of the Court of Instruction No. 11 of Madrid: Rogatory Commission from Switzerland – Assumption of jurisdiction by the J.I. No. 11 of Madrid rejected. Lack of jurisdiction and file of the case. Thebes – Rubiales. Archived

6.-Complaint Javier Tebas Ministère Public de l’Arrondissement de La Côte (July 8, 2019; by mail) for insults and slander. PE.19.014.291-XCR; Ministère Public de l’Arrondissement de La Côte. Archived