The Plenary of the City Council of Granada has agreed, with the unanimity of all political groups, to propose to the Junta de Andalucía that it grant Granada the Andalusian Sports Medal coinciding with the celebration this year of the 90th anniversary of its foundation. In this unanimous proposal, the Corporation highlights the values of the Los Cármenes entity “as a faithful example of the transmission to the public of sports values such as enthusiasm, discipline and teamwork.” It also highlights the “mutual feeling of admiration, respect and pride that exists between the city and Granada CF.
In its press release, the City Council, in its institutional statement, makes special mention dedicated to the contribution that Granada makes to the “projection of our city”, with a hobby “that crosses borders”, in a city where “the rojiblanco feeling is breathed in every house by children and adults”, thanks to some sports teams -first team, quarry and women's team- “which, day after day , makes us proud to bear the name of Granada ”.

The statement continues like this. The municipal corporation defends “publicly” in said agreement the commitment of collaboration of the municipal institution “in everything concerning to continue advancing in line both with the club, as well as with the fans, institutions and other agents in the sporting world ”for which he states that“ he will do everything in his power ”to achieve these objectives“ based on current legal regulations ”.
The City Council thus reiterates its willingness to facilitate “agreements between the club and the municipal institution to tackle the ambitious projects” of the Granada club “. Hence, it has agreed to urge “the technical commission” to complete the procedure that is legally included in the regulations established regarding this municipal asset in terms of the exploitation of the facilities of the New Los Cármenes Stadium.
It also expresses “institutional support” for “responsible management, which in recent seasons has allowed the club to reach unknown sporting heights in its history”, with achievements, among which it cites, having reached “the best classification in its history in First Division, qualification for the Europa League last season ”, a competition in which“ they have passed the current group stage ”. Clear allusion to the work of its CEO, Antonio Fernández Monterrubio and his entire team.
Andalusia Award fors Sports
Granada also has yet to be honored by the Andalusian Sports Award 2019 as ‘best Andalusian club’. Some awards sponsored by the Junta de Andalucía that valued the trajectory of this team that not only rose to the First Division and consolidated itself in the highest category, but also reached Europe.
All this is happening with Antonio Fernández Monterrubio as manager of the entity. There are movements that point to a possible replacement in this position by Patricia Rodríguez, until recently general director of Elche. In this sense lhe Provincial Council of Granada has also supported the current management model promoted by Monterrubio.