The City Council asks the people of Madrid in Decide Madrid if they want to host the Games in 2036


The Madrid City Council has asked the people of Madrid, through Decide Madrid, if they want the capital to host the Olympic Games in 2036, with a questionnaire that starts from the delegated area of ​​Sport, led by Sofía Miranda (Cs).

“Would you like the city of Madrid to present its candidacy for the 2036 Olympic Games”, is required on the web. There are three possible answers, yes, no or I don’t know. At the moment it already has more than 2251 answers.

The Madrid City Council initiates a public consultation so that the residents of the city of Madrid participate in the design of the future Sports Master Plan for the City of Madrid, which will be valid until 2036.

This issue is included among many others in the context of the Sports Master Plan for the capital, which “will be the roadmap that will mark the sports policies of the Madrid City Council in the coming years,” municipal sources have transferred to Europa Press.

For this reason, the City Council wants to have the opinion and contributions of citizens “so that the final document is the result of consensus” and survey the population. This public consultation will be in force from July 7 to August 8.

It was the deputy mayor, Begoña Villacís, who in September last year revived the Olympic dream of the capital hosting the Olympic Games in 2036. However, the Mayor’s Office corrected her words and specified that the capital does not aspire “at this time ” thereto.

For his part, the councilman, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has asserted that the capital “is not going to give up hosting the Olympic Games” but that it will do so “hand in hand with the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE)”.