The Catalan Sports Festival recognizes Jordi Xammar and Aitana Bonmatí as the best of the year

Laia Sanz, Lamine Yamal, Pep Guardiola, Girona FC and Astralpool CN Sabadell shine on the list


The 27th edition of the Catalan Sports Festival, organized by the Union of Sports Federations of Catalonia (UFEC) and the newspaper 'Sport', recognized this Tuesday the sailor Jordi Xammar and the soccer player Aitana Bonmatí as the best athletes of the past year .

At the America's Cup Experience venue, next to the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona (RCNB), many personalities from the sporting and political world attended this event that awards outstanding athletes, coaches, clubs, federations and entities every year.

Gerard Esteva, president of the UFEC, pointed out that the challenge for Catalan sport in 2024 is for the Government to fulfill its commitment to double the budgets allocated to the world of sport, for the Sports Law to be approved and for the state decree to be modified. drought emergency to not close showers in sports centers in phase two. And Joan Vehils, director of 'Sport', was proud that Catalan sports leaders have attended the 27 galas already held.


Aitana Bonmatí, leader of a successful FC Barcelona Femení, was decorated as the best Catalan athlete of 2023 for having won the last World Cup with the Spanish team and for having received awards such as the Ballon d'Or and The Best from FIFA. “A true collector of awards”, in the words of the UFEC.

On the other hand, the driver Laia Sanz was also the protagonist of the event for taking the Extraordinary Award due to her fifteenth position in the general classification in her fourteenth consecutive Dakar Rally, “a clear example of improvement” for the UFEC.

During the Festa there were other recognitions. The Award for the Most Prominent Male Athlete went to the culé striker Lamine Yamal and the Most Prominent Female Award had two winners: Anna Cañadó and Sofía Santacreu, the future of golf and Catalan athletics.

Pep Guardiola, Manchester City coach, won the Best Coach Award after a season in which his team won five titles: Premier League, FA Cup, Champions League, European Super Cup and Club World Cup. The one from Santpedor gave thanks through a video.

The Most Successful Team Award went to the female Astralpool CN Sabadell for winning it all: sixth Champions League, Queen's Cup, League, Spanish Super Cup and European Super Cup. Girona FC had a special mention “for a year where they are marveling everyone both for what they are achieving and for how they are doing it.”

Berta Alomà, korfbal player and great reference for future generations, received the Sports Spirit Award. Joaquim Vilaplana, president of the Catalan Cycling Federation, collected the Best Management Award for having dealt with more than 15,000 licenses in 2023 and having won a total of 53 Spanish Championships in nine disciplines, evidencing his “good work” since the base to the elite.

Lastly, he was decorated for his centenary by the Catalan Amateur Boxing Federation, the Catalan Hockey Federation, the Catalan Basketball Federation and the Catalan Rugby Federation. In addition, Foment del Treball Nacional won the Catalan Support Award for “its commitment to grassroots sport and federations”.