The call of ‘Save me’ to the Government to be declared an Asset of Cultural Interest: collection of signatures in the middle of the street

Save me It ends its broadcast on June 23 after the drop in audiences for Mediaset and the arrival of the new leadership, headed by Borja Prado as president. Since its cancellation was confirmed, the program starts every afternoon with funny occurrences about his own death.

The last? The collection of signatures that the La Fábrica de la Tele program has initiated so that the format is declared an Asset of Cultural Interest by the Government. Each one of the collaborators has given their reasons for this initiative to finally be carried out, using the humor that characterizes them.

As of this Tuesday, May 23, anyone who wishes can go to the Plaza de Felipe II in Madrid (Metro Goya, in the Salamanca neighborhood) to sign and achieve this purpose. In addition, outside viewers can leave their signatures on the production company’s website (not on the Fuencarral channel’s).

Save me and the political world

After the announcement of the cancellation, Pedro Sánchez himself contacted Jorge Javier Vázquez and summoned him to a cafe, as the communicator himself confessed. The former second vice president of the Government, Pablo Iglesias, also reacted by alluding to the star presenter.

Belén Esteban, for her part, hinted that this is a right-wing movement to win the elections: “All this is a political maneuver for the right to govern and I am very loyal to my company and an aunt who goes head-on.” And he added: “I am not going to vote for Ayuso again, I have it clear.” Telecinco finally says goodbye to Jorge Javier’s “reds and fags” program to make room from September for a new program presented by Ana Rosa Quintana, the socialist president’s public scourge.