We advanced it months ago: Spanish Television maintained very advanced conversations with the former director of the TV factory, then Studio manufacturers and now the audiovisual productions, to launch An entertainment program in the Vespertina Strip of the 1. Today we can confirm that there is already a team working in the format, profileing details and selecting collaborators, among which are very prominent names of the missing person Save me. In fact, some have already received the corresponding call along with their economic offer.
There has been talk of Belén Esteban, María Patiño, Lydia Lozano (who already collaborates in Mañaneros), Maestro Joao (Benita), Alba Carrillo and included Javi de Hoyosto whom, for the moment, we can see on weekends in D Heart.
You just need to know the most important data: The release date. According to our sources, there is still nothing closed at 100 %but the program is expected to reach the screens in the last week of March or the first of April. It is very likely that one of the collaborators of Nor that we were shhhafter Marc Giró has been ruled out. It has been the Catalan presenter who has rejected the offer of his bosses, and not only because it would imply moving to Madrid, but because he is currently triumphing with his space Late xou And, in addition, he does not want to leave the radio, which is his great passion.
As for the premiere, the dates coincide with the end of two of the three series that Spanish Television currently broadcasts in the afternoon, as well as with the end of The hunter. The only series that will be maintained is The promisewhich will continue in the same time slot (from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) to avoid the leakage of spectators. So, What will happen from that time? How will the afternoon look at TVE? They assure us that everything is planned and that they will follow a model similar to that of David Broncano with the lottery: the program will be divided into two parts, one that will be broadcast before The promise And another that will continue later, until the issuance of Newscasta key space for the chain directed by José Pablo López.
And the name of the program? Some suggest that the TV family will be called, a title registered a few weeks ago by Óscar Cornejo and Adrián Madrid, although there is still nothing decided. According to Sergio Calderón, director of TVE, the program “will combine entertainment and public service content with humor and responsibility”. About the presence of former collaborators of Save mehas declared: “We will see many known faces, but there will also be other faces of the house. We are still finalizing details,”.
This new format will compete directly with the program prepared by Mediaset to recover its evening audience, after the failure of Tar With Ana Rosa Quintana. As we already advanced, the producer chosen by Alessandro Salem is mandarin (Friday o In everyone’s lips), and it is rumored that its new space could be called Something happens… They are also working on the development of the format, which, as they inform us, will premiere on the same dates as TVE, in early April. This implies the departure of Unicorn Content, the producer of Ana Rosa Quintana and Xelo Montesinos, which currently produces Tar With Verónica Dulanto and Frank Blanco, after the departure of its director.