The Board of AFE stops the 'motion' to Aganzo for forged signatures

The Espñaoles Footballers Association (AFE) has issued a statement this Thursday to report that its board of directors has decided not to convene an Extraordinary Assembly as the opposition to David Aganzo intended for serious irregularities by collecting the necessary signatures to initiate this kind of motion. of censorship that is not thus reflected as such in the statutes of the union.

The full statement is as follows:

“This Thursday, July 16, 2020, a meeting of the board of directors of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players was held with the following and only item on the agenda: ‘Information and decision-making regarding the request presented on June 17, 2020, for a request to call the Extraordinary General Assembly pursuant to point 15.4 of the Statutes.’

After the meeting, our association wants to report the following:

The AFE general secretariat, as is its obligation and in its work as guarantor of statutory legality, requested various reports of a legal, computer and graphological nature, with the aim of safeguarding what the statutes establish, to give certainty and guarantee to the exercise of that right, in the absence of an express mandate signed by signature of each of the signatories.

These reports conclude that the Signaturit Solutions S.L. cannot guarantee a scenario without risk of impersonation the electronic identification of the signer; that the process does not guarantee the real identity of the signatories and that the application is not secure. Thus, the application does not require that the recipient – ultimately the signatory – previously subscribe to the platform and provide his mobile, signature, photograph or other elements that can identify him and confirm that the recipient of the email is the signatory. That is, there is no digital signature, which is what is usually prescribed in the legislation of our country in the identification of personal data.

Exposed the previous thing, the Association of Spanish Soccer players wants to manifest the following:

The board of directors, by majority, considers by the data that The provisions of article 15.4 of the statutes have not been completed as a result of the tests and reports to that effect.

The board of directors understands that the initiative promoted has attempted to carry out an interpretation that is not in accordance with the law, from the statutory point of view, breaking what is stated in point 15.3 of the AFE statutes.

To this board, for the most part, it seems unfortunate that these methods are used in order to convene an Extraordinary Assembly, with documentation in which the reliability of many firms is not accredited, as many do not correspond to those that appear on their IDs, with others that are not legible and others of footballers not affiliated to this union; and many others, manipulated for the purposes, according to accreditation of the graphology experts.

Also, some inadmissible irregularities have been detected, such as: documents signed with an 'X'; it is stated in the notary document that several members of the board of directors would have carried out the procedure on more than one occasion or from different email accounts; and documents that have been opened at the same time in two different countries, to highlight Pakistan and Switzerland.