The wedding of Manuel Valls y Susana Gallardo In 2019, he predicted a great political future for the former Prime Minister of France with President François Hollande and Minister of the Interior with Nicholas Sarkozy. An intimate and exclusive wedding, held in the Menorcan mansion of the heiress of Almirall Laboratories, the important pharmaceutical company in Barcelona. Gallardo had divorced Alberto Palatchi, a textile magnate, creator of the Pronovias empire, and in her short period as a single woman she was one of the most coveted ‘gold singles’ in Catalonia, if not in Europe. Until she fell in love with Manuel Valls, who had abandoned politics in France and recovered his Catalan roots as the son of immigrants with culture, liberal ideas and slightly nationalist convictions who had sought a better status in France than the one offered by Franco’s Spain when they crossed. the Pyrenees.
At the University, Valls was active in socialism to evolve years later towards the center right. And so he landed in Barcelona, with aspirations for the mayor of Barcelona in the shadow of Albert Rivera, where he remained as a councilor, failing to get the votes to become mayor of the city. Susana Gallardo also wanted him as a loser, or so she showed, and followed him to Paris when her husband returned to French politics, trying again to be a deputy, an operation that turned out to be another failure, at least in his new political aspirations. He then dedicated himself to writing books, giving highly paid conferences and waiting for a new opportunity that has been slow to arrive but has appeared when the interested party least expected it.

And it was this Tuesday when the new French Prime Minister, François Bayrou, surprised by including Manuel Valls in his government, as Minister of Overseas, in an attempt to expand the political diversity of his cabinet and escape from the extremes, the ultra-left. and Marine Le Pen’s party, the formations that obtained the majority of French votes and that have united, despite their differences, to overthrow the previous executive, who was only in government for a few weeks. Susana Gallardo is now minister consort of the head of Overseas, an important ministry, since France still has provinces on the other side of the Atlantic, in the Pacific and in Africa, some of them in open rebellion against the centralism of Paris.
Gallardo already has his reward and a very important and active husband. The previous one, Alberto Palatchi, has recently married an attractive divorcee, Zita Serrano Súñer, granddaughter of Franco’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, the attractive minister married to Carmen Polo’s sister, Zita Polo, although his passion was the Marchioness of Llanzol, the most scandalous forbidden love of the Regime, the fruit of which was Carmen Díez de Rivera. We talk about family trees that are the history of Spain. And from France.
