The Barcelona Marathon, postponed until October by the coronavirus




Archive image of the Barcelona Marathon.

The Barcelona's town hall has announced that it is postponed to October 25 the Barcelona Marathon, to be held on Sunday, March 15, “so that the maximum concern of the runner and the runner is to reach the goal and not external factors” such as the coronavirus, said this Saturday the Councilor for Sports, David Escud.

The decision has been taken in view of the indications of “maximum prudence and prevention” of the World Health Organization (WHO), Escud explained to the press, after a meeting with authorities of the Ministry of Interior and Health and the Public Health Agency of Barcelona.

“We want the city to live the dates relaxed. And, thinking of the corridor, we want it to be a magical experience of running 42 kilometers for Barcelona “, and added that the decision has been taken in agreement with the Generalitat after a week of telephone conversations.

The manager of the Public Health Agency of Barcelona, ​​Carme Borrell, explained that “the health authorities are in continuous contact to assess the events” according to the situation of pre-alert for the coronavirus.

In the case of the Marat de Barcelona, ​​he said, the fact that more than half of the runners are international has been the determining criterion for deciding the postponement.

He has also explained that each event is valued according to its characteristics and how the situation evolves, which is still pre-alert, it has underlined.

The director of Consell Catal de l'Esport de la Generalitat, Toni Reig, has expressed his support for the decision of the City Council, which they have taken in a “consensual way because it is the most prudent”. HALF, FOREIGNERS

The 17,000 people from 133 countries that have already acquired their number – 50% of them, international – will be able to keep it both for this year's appointment, in October, and for the 2021 edition, as agreed by the City Council and the organizers

Escud has also explained that the Marat has been suspended in advance to avoid “causing discomfort” as cancellations of flights and hotels.

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