The Barça hopes that Dembélé defines itself as soon as possible

The Barça wants to avoid that the soap opera on the renovation of Ousmane Dembele It is extended in time and hopes that the player is defined as soon as possible, ideally within the month of January. The delay in finding a definitive solution does not benefit either party and more so now that the sporty aspect requires maximum concentration.

The sports management of the Barça He maintains that since his arrival in March, he has dedicated time and effort to reach an agreement. They have met with their agent, Moussa Sissoko, and with the player himself repeatedly with different approaches. They have created formats and contractual structures to adjust and satisfy the financial demands of the player and the club understands that the process is coming to an end and that it is time to make a final decision and it must be in the short term.

The perception that there is in the Camp Nou is that Dembele he is for the task of staying, because they have clearly explained to him how far they can and want to go. Not for delaying the talks, Barça will raise its offer. The agent knows the cap that is offered and also what is expected of him. The goal is for you to stay.

Barça sources involved in the negotiation assure that they are extremely optimistic. There is a revealing episode that they underline: he came out of an injury and wanted to help the team at a critical moment. He risked, that is valued and says a lot about his involvement. Its extraordinary conditions are worth the bet

Plan against injuries

One of the concerns of Barça when negotiating the contract renewal of Dembele It has been to find the origin of the numerous injuries he has suffered since his arrival at the club in 2017 and that have forced him to go through the operating room up to three times, which has come to condition his performance in this first Barça stage.

The club has consulted with the doctor Lasse Lampainen, the surgeon who operated on Turku (Finland) for the injury he suffered last June with the French national team at the European Championship, a disinsertion of the biceps tendon in his right knee. The player already made a whirlwind trip to the Finnish city in October and a recovery and prevention plan was established. Doctors took a good look at why her injuries occurred and have taken steps to try to avoid them. It is not an aspect today that offers professional doubts and at the Camp Nou they see its continuity clear

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