The Arrieta family warns Rodolfo Sancho of legal action after his compromising audios with the alleged false witness: “It hurts us”

Following the announcement on August 29 of the life sentence against Daniel Sancho, new information related to Rodolfo Sancho has surfaced. We discuss the serious accusations of the Venezuelan lawyer Milenyi González against the actor and his lawyers, Ramon Chipirras and Carmen Balfagon: “They tried to buy my client’s testimony to favor his son”The Arrieta family’s lawyer, Juango Ospina, responded to the matter on Thursday.

It is striking to us that lawyers have contacted an alleged witness to go to trial to testify against the deceased victim.“It draws our attention, it hurts us, it leaves us perplexed and speechless,” the lawyer commented on Ana Rosa Quintana’s evening programme.

About Nilson Rodríguez, the alleged witness and former lover of Arrieta, he adds: “When news of Nilson begins to appear [hace unos meses] It caught our attention that they said he had been a victim of Edwin. We started to investigate whether Edwin had a police or criminal record and we found nothing.“We asked the television station that interviewed him to show us this documentation and they showed us a sheet of paper with a stamp that my daughter could have made in the office.”

So much so that the family was always clear that this alleged witness was giving false testimony: “We did not believe him. The Arrieta family asked us to initiate legal and civil actions against the media that attacked Edwin’s honor.“.

Now, after the conversation between the father of Arrieta’s murderer and Nilson came to light, the lawyer has stated: “We now have the mandate from the Arrieta family to study with lawyers in Thailand whether this has criminal jurisdiction to bring an action. If the messages referred to by the lawyer and Nilson’s comments are true, criminal action would be brought against Carmen Balfagón. [abogada de los Sancho] and Rodolfo“, he said bluntly.

Serious accusations

The news broke last May but, little by little, and in the face of the media tsunami that the legal proceedings against Daniel represented, it was forgotten. Now, audios, text messages and 14 transfers would prove the veracity of the facts: “It was the lawyers [de Daniel Sancho] “those who pressured my client to declare in court what they wanted, that he would have acted the same as Daniel in the face of Edwin’s threats and attacks”explained a few days ago Milenyi González in Code 10 about Nilson.

The lawyer explained: “There was no offer of money as such but there is a message in which Rodolfo says ‘When the time comes we will have to do it but it cannot seem at any time that I am paying you to be a witness, it is dangerous, because the testimony could be null.“. And he insisted: “Rodolfo tried to buy Nilson’s testimony. There was no extortion, just voluntary royalties. My client never asked them for money.”

The lawyer also assured that she has all the evidence in her possession, both written and audio messages, and that they are working with Spanish lawyers to take action: “We are preparing a complaint against them for having said in the media that Nilson wanted to extort them”. That’s what happened. Last May, when information broke about the existence of a possible false witness on the part of the Spaniards, Rodolfo defended himself: “I have never looked for a false witness, never.” They then stated that all the transfers made to Nilson were intended to cover the costs of the trial (ticket to Thailand, passport, etc.) and that he asked them for more money to pay for a house in his country: “I have never offered money. My legal representatives made the transfers because he was a witness for the case,” said Rodolfo.

Lastly, Milenyi González assured that Rodolfo and Nilson had many conversations and in some of them, the actor referred to Edwin Arrieta as “the undesirable surgeon” or “the unmentionable one.”

Juango Ospina, Arrieta’s lawyer, also said on Thursday: “A call has come to light, and its clarity is irrefutable… I don’t know if the tone is that of someone being blackmailed or offering blackmail.”.

At the same time, this Wednesday, through a statement, the lawyers of the actor and his son announced “the exercise of legal actions against the production companies Unicorn (Fiesta, from Telecinco) and Mandarina (Código 10 from Cuatro) and the directors of the programs for accusations made against the actor for violating his right to honor” by disseminating these private audios.
