On May 27, the youngest son of Laura Matamoros y Benji Aparicio He is one year and five months old. Kiko Matamoros’s daughter had to go to the hospital with Benjamín Jr. due to an important intervention that they had to perform on the child. On her Instagram account, she has told all the details.
“Today they do a small operation on the baby. They open the tear duct… You don’t know what anguish I have right now.” Before entering the operating room and with a photo from the hospital, with the mask on, he explained: “I know that he is in the best hands and that it is a very common operation and that nothing will happen, but I am still anguished.”

Fortunately, everything happened quickly and went well: “Already at home. Everything went well, he woke up from the anesthesia quite uncomfortable, but it passed quickly.” Of course, the concern did not go away so easily: “What anguish I have been through … The intervention has been very fast, the worst is the process and the anesthesia.”

In the car, after leaving the hospital, the two little ones in the house tenderly held hands, starring in a beautiful photo that their mother immortalized in a print. Life at home went on as normal. At home they put on a batch of cartoons: “I wanted to see Mati The little Mermaid in drawings,” he wrote.