The Albares suit that unleashes ridicule on the networks: a protocol expert explains her choice

Philip VI y Joy have presided over the reception of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited in Spain in an event that was held at the Royal Palace of Madrid this Wednesday, January 31. In Gasparini's Saleta were the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez; and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares. The cameras that captured the Kings have also captured the image of Albares. The minister is not wearing the morning coat required by the protocol for this act for men, but rather He wears a suit that has unleashed ridicule on the networks. However, it has its explanation.

The mockery about the Foreign Minister's uniform addresses a lack of knowledge about labels and the dress code. It was a protocol expert who went out of her way in X to explain why Albares is wearing this uniform and what it means. “It is the uniform suit of the Spanish diplomatic corps,” he began. The minister, as a “career diplomat,” can “wear it at solemn events of this kind.

The Diplomatic Corps in Spain is made up of 126 embassies, almost 800 Consulates, 153 career consulates and more than 600 honorary ones. In his speech at this reception, the head of State highlighted that this year “gives us the opportunity to move towards a United Nations better prepared to respond to the commitments assumed and the challenges of our days, such as the new threats to peace”.
