The ACB does not joke with the “monster with a baby face” that is ‘bullying’

Barcelona hosts ‘It’s not a joke’, the fourth season of ‘We Act Against Bullying’


With the motto ‘It’s not a joke’, the fourth season of the ACB campaign ‘We Act Against Bullying’ began this Monday, with which the Association of Basketball Clubs intends to fight “resolutely” against this “monster with the face of a child”. What is bullying.

There are five allies who, on this fourth occasion of the campaign, will help boys and girls to fight against bullying; actress Itziar Castro, Sensei Mugendo Javier Saenz, Unicaja player Alberto Díaz, acb referee and municipal police officer Juande Oyón and the DUX Gaming eSports team.

The president of the ACB, Antonio Martín, led the presentation of the campaign, which took place at the Escola Lleó XIII in Barcelona, ​​a school recognized for pioneering actions against bullying. “I thank the team for coming to fight against this baby-faced monster,” he said, referring to the five visible faces this season.

“The poster says it: ‘bullying’ is not a joke. This is a complicated game, but we are winning it little by little and we are going to continue fighting with your help”, he contributed in this regard.

According to what they said, the actress Itziar Castro will help transmit to the boys and girls their strength and personal growth with an overwhelming message: “They bullied me. They wish me death every day in networks. It is not that I had much inner strength , but that I was clear about where I wanted to go: I wanted to be an actress, I wanted to be powerful, I wanted to be myself, I wanted to be Itziar”, she valued.

“A word as silly as pig and leaving some acorns on your desk can ruin your life, it can lead you to the precipice. All those who insulted me, attacked me, put acorns on me, are now my fans, and that is the best revenge I respond to haters with humor,” he explained.

For his part, Sensei Mugendo Javier Saenz, a renowned expert in martial arts, will explain how to flee from violence and react to a bullying situation based on self-control and mental strength. “We are dedicated to providing boys and girls with tools: giving confidence and security to face any problem, for example ‘bullying’. We like to be able to contribute our bit to this very important project: people associate martial art with fighting but this is our fight, to combat this social scourge at the root,” he said.

The Unicaja player and Spanish international Alberto Díaz brings to the campaign the value of defending as a team. “We are in a society that lacks social commitment and we must implement it from the base and be committed to our colleagues, with our friends and our family. Everything starts as a simple joke and when we see some situation of injustice, that simple joke is necessary act. The first step is to notify someone to give the first alarm signal,” he explained.

As for the ACB referee Juande Oyón, he will try that the boys and girls also have his vision and learn about conflict mediation, moral and ethical justice and balance from an observer position. “A mediator, in my case the police, listens to all parties and proposes a peaceful solution to the conflict,” the municipal police officer also contributed.

Last but not least, Team DUX Gaming will contribute its media value, especially among young people, to the campaign through RafaelTGR and Gravesen, players who stressed in the presentation the importance of the message that social networks are not a joke where the harassment goes unpunished.

They and the rest of the members of DUX Gaming will help the little ones to protect themselves on the networks and the Internet throughout the season. “Many times we think that what we put on Social Networks does not matter. Without seeing who is in front of us, it is not a direct contact, but what we put will always be there,” says Gravesen. “You have to think about what you publish: would you tell him if it was in person? If not, don’t do it,” said RafaelTGR.