The 43rd edition of the Municipal Sports Games opens registration next Monday

The largest European amateur sports competition breaks the record, with 31 modalities after incorporating triathlon and roller hockey


Next Monday, registration will open for the 43rd edition of the Municipal Sports Games, the largest European amateur sports competition that will start on October 15 with a record number of disciplines, 31, after the incorporation of the triathlon and roller hockey after two editions marked by the pandemic and health security measures.

The Delegate Councilor for Sport of the Madrid City Council, Sofía Miranda, highlighted that this new season begins “with the challenge of returning to the participation figures prior to the pandemic and with a new impetus in the modernization of the public sports service to improve municipal competitions and facilitate all the procedures associated with the competition”.

The Municipal Sports Games are held in the 21 districts of Madrid and will feature 13 team sports (basketball, handball, baseball, soccer, indoor soccer, 7-a-side soccer, hockey, roller hockey, kayak-polo, rugby, volleyball, volley beach and water polo), and 18 individual modalities (chess, athletics, badminton, cross country, fencing, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, judo, karate, wrestling, swimming, artistic swimming, canoeing, rowing, rescue and first aid, tennis, tennis table and triathlon).

The main novelty this year is the consolidation and expansion of telematic management through the Madrid City Council website to facilitate all procedures.

This year the ‘online’ processing of all the registration processes for teams, delegates and athletes is consolidated; a system for requesting deferrals is incorporated, and another for the presentation of briefs and appeals to the different ‘online’ committees.

The results and classifications of the 43 Municipal Sports Games are included in the ‘Madrid es Deporte’ tab of the ‘Madrid Móvil’ municipal application.

The registration periods begin on Monday, September 19 and will be divided into two phases: from September 19 to 30 for senior category teams, and from October 3 to 14 for base categories. The start dates of the competition will be October 15 for the senior category and November 5 for the rest of the participating categories.


The program of the Municipal Sports Games brings together nearly 180,000 athletes annually, which makes it the largest municipal sports competition in Europe in which participation, integration and education in values ​​such as solidarity and respect towards the opposite.

It is also configured as a first level instrument to promote the acquisition of healthy habits, cohesion and social structuring through the participation of clubs, schools, boys and girls and their family environment, as well as education through the values inherent in sport.