The 2022 Copa del Rey basketball will be played in Granada


The 2022 Basketball King’s Cup will be held at the Municipal Sports Palace of Granada, from February 17 to 20, following the agreement reached by the ACB and the Junta de Andalucía, according to the ACB in a statement.

The event will return to the Nasrid capital thirty years after the first final phase of the Cup in 1992, and which marked a milestone in the history of the competition.

“With the election of Andalusia and Granada, the acb brings the great festival of hobbies closer to a venue with a great basketball, tourist and leisure tradition,” indicates the basketball club employers in the note.

As it is a city without an acb club that acts as host, the eight best classified will participate at the conclusion of the first round of the Endesa League.

The Copa del Rey returns to Andalusia for the third time in the last decade after the editions of Malaga in 2014 and 2020, and for the first time to Granada since the celebration of the final phase in 1995.

The Municipal Palace of Sports of Granada has an approximate capacity of 10,000 spectators. The pavilion has already hosted the final phase of the Copa del Rey in 1992 and 1995, the Super Cup in 2005 and the Basketball World Cup in 2014, as well as other major sporting and cultural events.