LaLiga is celebrating. There are already more than 100 million users who follow their social network profiles worldwide. Material to nourish them is not lacking and this translates into the awakening of the interest of countless people around the world. But … how have they managed to reach this data? What are the contents that have become more viral around Spanish football? LaLiga reveals the keys.
Des LaLiga inaugurated its official profile in TwitterThere have been many windows that the institution has opened to keep up to date with everything that has to do with our football. In this social network alone, it has a total of 11 profiles: LaLiga, eSportsLaLiga, LaLigaSports, FundacionLaLiga, LaLigaEN, LaLigaArab, LaLigaBRA, LaLigaFRA, LaLigaJP, LaLigaID and LaLigaTH. But the thing, of course, does not stop here. LaLiga has a presence in Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok … Nor do you forget other channels of relevance to your followers: Weibo, Wechat, Douyin, TouTiao, okay, VK Y Line. In the latter case, LaLiga has profiles in Japan, Thailand and Indonesia. In fact, LineID has been the last profile to join this whole wide range.
“LaLiga has to be where its audience is and that's why we have to participate in the most used social networks in each territory we want to reach. For example, we know that in China the most used are Douyin, TouTiao, Weibo and Wechat; Meanwhile in Russia They are VK and OK. In Japan, Indonesia Y Thailand, however, more successful Line. In total we have 21 profiles that allow us to offer content adapted to each platform, ”he explains Alfredo Bermejo, director of digital strategy of LaLiga.
2018 champions
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This expansion in successful social platforms and channels worldwide advances in parallel to the internationalization strategy of LaLiga, which works to make it easy for its followers to access its contents. For this same reason, there are many languages to which the contents are translated or adapted. It is very easy to find publications, in addition to Spanish, in English, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Thai, Bahasa, Russian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hinglish, Bengali, Turkish, Swahili, Lingala, Wolof, pidgin English, Vietnamese and Danish. Do you all sound like them? Well, it is very likely that, if you propose, you will find content in some more. Thanks to the adaptation of these messages, LaLiga's dream of increasing its 3.9 million followers of the 2013/14 season to reach 100 million has become a reality only five seasons later.

“With a team made up of digital natives from different countries and, of course, football lovers, the important thing is not only to increase visualizations or engagement among fans. Our main objective is to establish and consolidate our relationship with them. Because understanding your audience and being able to create attractive content for it on the main platforms is essential to continue growing every day. From LaLiga we work with the firm idea that, in order to make this link strong, we have to speak in their language, know their preferences, study their habits and capture the trends of their territory, ”says Bermejo.
The most viral
When analyzing what are the contents of LaLiga that have become more viral in social networks, it can be seen that there is something that all of their followers have in common: they are attracted to the shocking, the effects, the artifice … but they never say no to The most tender scene. And in the end, passion is what moves them. “The contents that have gone through postproduction and that offer overprinted data work especially well among our audience, as do the videos that go beyond the traditional and incorporate filters and effects of the new trend platforms. However, if we stay in the most traditional, there is also no doubt that the photo of a hug between two stars of LaLiga Santander generates a good response among users. They all have in common that they provide a different angle to what the fan has seen during the day”, Says the director of digital strategy of LaLiga.
10 LaLiga milestones in the networks
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A content for each place
LaLiga has come up with the recipe to get the perfect menu in each region. So, for example, in China The contents related to culture and gastronomy are very successful: what are the pets of the teams, where are the cities to which they belong and what is eaten in them … Although they are also interested in their more personal facet and their day a day. In Russia something similar happens, because the lifestyle of the players, their family and behind the scenes, is very interesting for fans of this country. In the case of U.S, connect more with the young fans of women's football and grassroots and in Africa Music and fashion are very important factors. However, if we move to the north of the container and towards Middle East, we find a very passionate audience, who enjoys rhetoric and who usually interacts with publications. Therefore, the way to share the content with them is almost more important than what is told. And in Latin AmericaOn the other hand, they are very patriotic and are very interested in their players. In MexicoFor example, we found a very identified audience with their local idols.
But there is a lot of work behind to reach all this knowledge. “The constant analysis of the results of our publications has allowed us to know our followers better. In addition, the international project of LaLiga Global Network, whereby LaLiga has more than 45 delegates spread across different territories throughout the planet, it helps us to better understand the audience, to refine their tastes and to know the local trends, fundamental to create ad hoc content ”, Bermejo explains.
And what about Spain? From LaLiga they explain that the great stars and the best plays of each day, especially those that show the skill of the players, are the protagonists of the contents that reach the greatest impact in our country. “What is clear is that the fan, in general, seeks content beyond 90 minutes of the game. And that is precisely what you find in our digital environments, ”he says.