“Thank you, life, even though you’re not giving me much respite”

Potholes as lessons. This is how he sees life Sara Carbonero, who this Sunday opened up on Instagram to take stock of the last few yearsThe journalist from Toledo was diagnosed with cancer in 2019 and since then she has had to overcome a series of obstacles that she now analyses and looks at with perspective. She is optimistic and grateful for the lessons she has learned.

“Of all the journeys we can make, the most intense, profound and necessary will always be towards ourselves.. Towards those places where past, present and future converge. Where they become entangled and intertwined in that imaginary braid that traps pain. That pain that, sometimes, added to all the noise we face every day, does not allow us to see what is essential,” she advances in her post.

Iker Casillas’ ex believes that we forget “the places or people who are silent but never ask,” as well as “look for the cracks where the light enters”: “There are many, but you have to know how to see them. And be patient. Children with whom you can now have adult conversations and ask for advice, a grandmother who forgets our name but not our stories from when we were children. It’s the wildest thing we can experience. It’s adventure. It’s life.”

“Eyes you can look into and freely say how you feel. Or that you don’t have to. People who embrace your vulnerability when you take it out for a walk. Unbreakable bonds, roots and wings,” she adds, before sharing her gratitude.Thank you, life, because even though these years you are not giving me much respite and you are challenging me strongly, the learning would not be the same without so many stones. along the way, nor my level of consciousness. Accept, embrace, move on, do not avoid. I think we are starting to understand each other.”

These words come a week after the former presenter of the Sports On Telecinco he published a picture from the hospital. “Mornings in the hospital give us a lot to do,” he wrote without revealing the reason for his stay in the hospital. In March he did the same: “Within these walls, any gesture, any detail, any breath of fresh air is valued much more. Any good news.“, he wrote in a long text. Shortly afterwards the reason was known: his mother, Goyi Arévalo, had been hospitalized.

In May 2019, almost coinciding with the heart attack that Iker Casillas suffered in Porto, Martín and Lucas’ mother had to undergo surgery for ovarian cancer. She underwent surgery again in November 2022. Since then, she has shared reflections on social media about the passage of time, illness and the importance of valuing what is really important in life. A few weeks ago, in fact, she revealed how one of her children reacted to the effects of her chemotherapy treatment.
