Terry riot against Capello

While in the french team the wardrobe revolution was as bloody as its history marks, in Englandto the internal revolt he had a more model character, more British, worth the redundancy. The two draws suffered against USA and Algeria sparked a riot that led John Terry, that Capello had removed the captaincy before the World Cup to give it to him Gerrard, In which the Chelsea center-back met with all the players, behind the Italian's back, to seek solutions to the possibility of staying out of the eighths, taking away all authority from the coach.

“Yes Capello gets upset, than bother, lor less we can do is meet with each other to see the mistakes, we owe it to the fans “, Terry assured at press conferenceafter the 'riot'.

TO Terry didn't like them the approaches of his coach in the first two games, in which he even recommended what players should play. According to the British press, Terry advised Capello that will align Rooney and Chelsea teammate Joe Cole, who had barely counted so far. “They are the only ones that have capacity to open defenses, “said the former captain when asked at a press conference what were the reasons for the discord.

Capello, little used to lose control of the locker room, ended up giving in to the proposals, however, the national team players they turned their backs on Terry and said they didn't share his vision. Definitely, the culture shock that many had anticipated when Capello was hired by the FA came true.