Terelu Campos will exclusively sell its new aesthetic touches: we know what they are

Terelu Campos will follow the steps of Carmen Borrego and will undergo surgery to retouch, among other things, his double chin. As her sister did, who had surgery and sold the exclusivethe daughter of María Teresa Campos plans to take advantage of her aesthetic touch-ups in 2025 and will offer an interview (passed through) to talk about her new image.

Alejandra Rubio’s mother plans to advertise the beauty center where she undergoes surgery so that, in this way, the interventions are free. A move to which he will later add the sale of an exclusiveas explained by the journalist Anna Gurgui in Not even if we were Sssh…

The communicator has commented that Terelu will wait until next year to move these chipsWell now she is focused on her daughter and the baby that is to come. The intervention will remain, for the moment, in the background. Everything will depend, of course, on the family’s economy.

The news has been received with a certain stupefaction among those who were his colleagues in the now extinct Sálvame. And while Belén Esteban has avoided giving an opinion – “we have all had touch-ups” -, Kiko Matamoros has distinguished the decision to have surgery for purely aesthetic reasons and that of doing it for money. “Something very different is to sell it exclusively and make money”he has expressed.

The talk show host has also complained about Terelu’s “hypocrisy” in staying in line: She criticizes the presence of the press in her life, especially now, when she is waiting to be a grandmother, but continues to offer exclusives. Both Matamoros and his colleagues have pointed out that these attitudes are contradictory.
