Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego desperately begged Gustavo not to leave their mother behind.

The relationship between driver Gustavo and the Campos sisters were not always cordial. In fact, as Gustavo’s girlfriend confirmed in the Big Brother debate, ethe assistant of Maria Teresa Campos He was very hurt with Terelu and Carme because sometimes he felt treated like a brother and other times like the driver and that, after 34 years of being Teresa’s faithful employee, destroyed him a lot.

Hence, after the attacks that Gustavo suffered since Save me, being pointed out as the mole who leaked things to the press, Without any of the Campos defending him, he gave them an ultimatum: “He was leaving his job. He was resigning,” people who know him very well tell us. “Gustavo had a terrible time. He didn’t understand that after so many years showing loyalty to his family they treated him like this. That they believed others, like kiko hernández, and not him. And much more publicly.”

“Carmen and Terelu distrusted him because some of his colleagues sowed doubt,” they tell us. For this reason, he gathered the sisters in his attic in Paracuellos and together they calmly talked about the situation. Gustavo suggested leaving them if they doubted him, but they They begged him not to do it. because staying was the best thing for his mother. “Teresa would not have understood it and at that time she was already beginning to be average although she still found out everything,” they explain to us.

Gustavo made everything clear to them and also apologized for having mistrusted them and even He admitted to them that he had recorded them on some occasion. However, the driver felt very hurt by all the opinions that their colleagues had expressed in Save me and he told them that he was going to take legal measures, as he finally did and we reported in Informalia. In addition to talking about him, the space led by Jorge Javier Vazquez He put a face to his girlfriend and even called her a freeloader. They commented that she had been the one who had gotten out of her mouth and that she had even recorded her boy’s bosses. Everything is judicialized and that is why Ainhoa ​​has given up defending his boy.

Despite everything and the affection that Gustavo has always felt for Teresa, of whom he has always said that she is like a second mother, things with his daughters were never the same again. From then on, the driver and the “girls,” as his mother affectionately called them, barely spoke, “only what was fair,” “what concerned work and his mother.”

Hence Gustavo did not speak to them about Big Brother offer until the last moment and as soon as he returned from summer vacation, he presented his resignation letter. However, he was with his beloved boss until the last day. The relationship between Gustavo and Teresa’s daughters changed when the veteran journalist was about to die. It was then that the way she acted with the driver softened his heart and he came to think that everything was going back to the way it was before. “You can’t imagine how they behaved with him. He was one of the family. He felt so good that he entered Guadalix with the feeling that he had them on his side and hence his statements. Carmen Borrego mixed everything up, ensuring that She never called him to wish him luck, as she herself has acknowledged. We will see how Gustavo takes it when he leaves. They are no longer bound by any contract.