Marc André Ter Stegen He was operated on for the second time today for the patellar tendon of his right knee. The first was last summer at the hands of the surgeon Ramón Cugat, but the discomfort did not subside completely and he has decided to seek a new solution, traveling to Sweden and putting himself in the hands of a proven patellar tendon specialist such as the surgeon Hakan Alfredson.
The club reported “a therapeutic procedure” without providing much more content, not even the expected time off. In any case, In AS we have been able to contrast from solvent sources that the minimum withdrawal time will be two months, although it could be extended to two and a half months, depending on how the recovery evolves.
Thus, it cannot be ruled out that Ter Stegen can start the preseason with his teammates or at least, almost certainly, when the official season arrives, since we are talking about two months to the start of the preseason. Remember that last summer, as the intervention was almost at the beginning of August, the German goalkeeper missed the start of the season. On this occasion, time has played in favor of Ter Stegen, who could even reach the preseason if the evolution is positive.

The German goalkeeper, who finished the season with a very irregular performance, hopes that this second intervention will definitively solve some annoyances that he has dragged along for a good part of the year and that have prevented him from performing at full capacity.
Message after the operation
All went well today. ???????????? Now the focus is on my recovery. Thank you all for your messages and support these past days.
– Marc ter Stegen (@ mterstegen1) May 20, 2021
The German goalkeeper posted a message on Twitter after the operation: “Everything went well today. Now the focus is on my recovery. Thank you all for your messages and support in recent days.”