Ter Stegen: “If we do what we must, we will win”

Will this title be key for the League?

If you win this game you are left with good feelings; if not, they will be bad. What we want is for you to help us in what we have to face. What we want is to win this title

Barcelona Shield / Flag

Is it more than just a title?

It is a big effort for the qualifying rounds that we went through. We have made an effort to reach this final. Now we have the options and we are going to give it our all.

Do they feel favorites?

It's a 50-50 match. If we do what we must, we have options to take the title to Barcelona.

Is tomorrow a reinforcement?

We are not going to think about what will happen tomorrow, only about what comes to us. And it should be a reference for the weeks to come.

Did the stop cost?

Anything can happen in a Classic. In the second half we made a good effort but you have to show him 90 minutes. We are better, we have more training sessions because the national team break always interrupts you more … But that will take time.

Would you like to wear the bracelet in future years, have you not played for a few years?

Even if you don't wear it, you have to help people.

Would not winning be a failure?

A failure? We are going to give everything, it will be an even game. Hopefully not the case. We are relaxed, organized, and we all know what needs to be done at the club. You have to concentrate.