Relatives of Maria Teresa Campos They traveled this Monday from Malaga, in the car of the journalist admitted in serious condition, driven by Gustavoher lifelong driver, to be close to the presenter in the face of the situation and share the hard moments of her daughters and the rest of the family.
But they say that if there is someone truly devastated, it is Gustavo himself, more than a driver, Teresa’s trusted man for many years, with whom Teresa’s mother Have him y carmen borrego He shared confidences, joys and dislikes and who has never failed him. People who have known this relationship well assure that María Teresa had more confidence in Gustavo than in her own daughters.
This man has been the guardian of her secrets, her fears and anxieties, even feelings that she only shared with him, whom she considered the son she had never had. Teresa was also very appreciative of Ainhoathe girlfriend of his trusted man.
When the journalist was still able to go out into the street, although only by car and very discreetly, it was to go around Madrid with her beloved driver, whom she asked to take a walk through Madrid de los Austrias, to see the Palacio de Oriente, Gran Vía and the center of the city, always so lively and where she hadn’t set foot in a long time.
In the corridors and in the waiting room of the Jiménez Diaz clinic, where those close to the patient meet, they say that Gustavo has been attentive to providing everything the family needed, although his relationship with Carmen Borrego and Terelu transmitted some distance.
A courteous and polite coldness that had its origin in the rumors that months ago accused the driver of being the one who leaked to the domestic secret media of his boss and friend with the sole objective of feeding Save me in his last months. Gustavo was singled out as the “mole” of the family, an accusation flatly denied by the driver, who was very hurt by Borrego and Terelu because of his mistrust of him.
Given the sad situation they are experiencing and because of the affection that everyone has for Teresa, this is not the time to show tension or make reproaches, but it could be that the day that María Teresa Gustavo is absent, she will tell her truth and other truths where her loyalty to her.