Telefónica Tech, a subsidiary specialized in digital services for companies, has just set up its directive dome for Big Data, Internet of Things and Advertising. Under the leadership of Gonzalo Martín-Villa, the organization is set up with the following area managers: Elena Gil, new Product & Business Operations, who will be reported by Rosalía Simón (Core Product), Andrés Escribano (New Business), Carlos Martínez (Industry Solutions & Service Delivery) and José Luis Casas (Advertising) and Carlos Marina (onthespot).
Alfredo Serret, commanded the Commercial negotiated, distributed in Sales Support (Rafael Cabrera), Business Development (José Manuel Caramés), Industry Sectors (Luis Jordán) and Customer Intelligence (Carmen Gross).
Carlos Carazo will be in charge of the Technology & Technical Operations division, which brings together the technology functions of LUCA and IoT, as well as the GCTIO area teams. At the moment, this area is structured in Cross Projects (Antonio Orgaz), Big Data Technology (Arturo Canales), IoT Technology (tbd), IoT Platforms (Francesc Pugidelloses), IoT Engineering & OB projects (tbd), IoT Operations (Gustavo Martín), IoT Devices (Francisco Javier Zorzano) and IoT Security (Vicente Segura – area shared with Cyber).
Along with the above, two transversal support areas are created: Marketing & Comms, led by Marga de Miguel, with responsibility for the Marketing and Communication Strategy, Events, Relations with Analysts, Brand Management and Culture; and Business Management & Planning, led by Jorge Pou, who will serve as Business Manager of Martín-Villa, along with responsibilities of Transformation Projects, Business Planning, Budget Monitoring and Reporting of KPIs. The support area includes Elena Villar, Controller; Alicia Barca, responsible for People; and David Giner, legal.
The teleco has also revealed the organization of its new global unit of Digital Consumption (CDCO), led by Chema Alonso, until now responsible for the data strategy and cognitive intelligence project of Telefónica. Francisco José Montalvo is the data director (Chief Data Officer); David del Val, director of strategic innovation (Core Innovation); Antonio Guzmán, director of digital home (Digital Home); Fabio Bruiggioni, commercial director of digital consumption (Digital Consumer); Irene Gómez will direct the network of open innovation (Connected Open Innovation) and Rubén Mellado, will be the head of technology and operations of entertainment services. José Palazón is the director of technology (CTO); José Parada, director of information security (CISO); Olvido Nicolás, director of marketing; María Garzón, director of control; and Gabriela Gross as head of People.

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