Tamara Falco he works against the clock in the preparations for his wedding. She herself talks about the stress of trying to take care of every detail, directing the design of her wedding dress and at the same time, attending to her professional commitments.
Also read: Tamara Falcó laughs at Vargas Llosa’s taunts: “I love that a Nobel Prize winner writes about me”
Latest, as we have already published, attend the Pedro del Hierro fashion show, this Thursday, the first day of fashion week in Madrid. Some of the models that walked the catwalk were hers, Tamara is a regular collaborator of the firm, but they had never appeared in a public show before. Next to her, hers fiancé Inigo Onieva He officially appeared with his girlfriend, for the first time after their reconciliation.
Both were calm, showing their love and complicity, but the subtle physical change of the Marquise de Griñón drew attention. Her face, with more volume than usual, does not seem to be the product of a few extra kilos. Brides take care of her figure for months before the wedding due to the risk that, when the time comes, the dress they have been making for months will not work for them.

Tamara has made some aesthetic arrangements that a specialist doctor has detected immediately to Informalia. “More cheekbones have been put on, over the fat that had already infiltrated long before. Surely what they have now injected is hyaluronic acid, or endoret, which is plasma, in the corners of the mouth, in the nose, and also botox “adds this expert.
The first foray of the daughter of Isabel Presyler in the operating room it was many years ago, when the Catalan doctor Javier de Benito performed a rhinoplasty on her that left her with a perfectly proportioned nose. De Benito is the same doctor who operated on carmen borrego when the daughter of Maria Teresa Campos she decided to do her big makeover.

Tamara Falcó’s problem is that she can be a victim of the excesses into which people who are older than their partners tend to fall, always looking for an image of youth. It’s the really pathetic case of Madonnavisible in his last appearance at the Grammys, totally deformed and unfavorable, by the way. Madonna, 64, is 35 years older than her current boyfriend, 28. But instead of dealing with that difference naturally, her knife-edge efforts to look younger and various infiltrations of hers make her seem almost grotesque.
Tamara Falcó will be 42 years old next November, while Íñigo Onieva is 33, nine less. She is very pretty, young, because she is, and she does not need to use and abuse excessive products to maintain her beauty. It is usually an addictive race that only leads to excess and artifice. Her father, the Marquis de Griñón, also struggled to rejuvenate himself when she was with Esther Dona. Of the retouching of him, the most obvious was the hair graft, although it was not the only one. Vargas Llosathe ex of Tamara’s mother, also takes care of himself and, apart from his three weeks of fasting and purification in a well-known center in Marbella, in Madrid he visits an Iranian who cares for his skin.