Inigo Onieva He is not the only one who will have bachelor parties. His future wife Tamara Falco, has a kind of Praetorian guard, among whom are the usual stalwarts, and not all of them were always in favor of that marriage. Her friends are preparing a big party for her before her wedding. Without excesses but with a lot of fun. The place has not been made public, but it is rumored that it will be in the surroundings of Madrid.
In this exclusive group we find his sister-in-law, the actress Alejandra Onievaa Luisa Bergelwhom Tamy considers as a little sister, to her cousin-in-law Isabelle Junotalso the deputy director of MasterChef, Casilda Aguilerathe businesswoman Miskha Caprilethe actress Lucia Guerrero, Casilda Finatwho shares a deep Christian faith with the bride, like Casilda’s sister, Wellwho teaches catechism using new technologies, Andiecommunication expert, Clara Lopez de Lemussecretary of the brotherhood of the Virgen de la Alegría, Lucia Dominguez Vega-PenichetMarketing expert and volunteer at the Teresa of Calcutta Foundation, Victoria von Fabell-Castell, one of the heirs to the important pencil empire. We don’t know if she will be her sister, Ana Boyer.

Clara described Tamy just a few days ago as “close, fun, witty and with a big heart.” She said that she “has known how to forgive” and added that “Íñigo is a good person”, in addition to praising that Tamara has shown something very difficult, “such as forgiveness”. Precisely, an image of the Virgen de la Alegría presides over the bedroom of the daughter of Isabella Preysler. Clara gave it to her, and Tamara posted the following message on her social networks: “Every morning, the first thing I see when I wake up is this Virgin. I thank God and the Virgin Mary for bringing me friends as good as Clara.”

When Tammy broke off her relationship with Íñigo, her intimate Casilda was one of those who was most critical of Onieva, assuring that “it is better for Tamara to be alone than in bad company”, but, after the reconciliation, the boyfriend’s change of attitude, has led him to reconsider his opinion: “I’ve gotten to know Iñigo better and I like him much better. It’s good to forgive and I see both of them very content and happy.” Examination of conscience, and putting bad habits aside, have helped Isabel Preysler’s future son-in-law to win back the daughter of the queen of hearts.