Tamara Falcó’s wedding is not being an easy road. The first big blow was the famous kiss between Íñigo Onieva and another woman at a festival in Nevada that put the engagement on standby as soon as it was announced in September of last year. The second, the Sophie et Voilà statement this Wednesday, announcing that they were no longer making the dress for the Marquise de Griñón.
After the drama two months after the big celebration, Isabel Preysler’s daughter has opened her Instagram account. This Wednesday she has been shooting advertising in the San Martín de Valdeiglesias reservoir, also known as ‘Madrid beach’. “Shooting day”, she has written before the downpour that is on her.
Carlos Falcó’s daughter has shared several images. One with a lost look (it reflects quite well the moment in which she finds herself), another trying to smile at the one she has on top… On the comment wall, she has received messages for all tastes.

Some are not at all pleasant for her: “The program is called ‘How to clone a wedding dress'”, “Money cannot do everything. More respect for professionals. You are not what you show”, “Your marriage will last as long as than an ice cream at the door of a school. You are not very bearable. Such Catholic people do not do what you do”, “You thought you were the queen and you are only a commoner” or “Everything you won in Masterchef, you are losing. You credibility is in tatters.”
Others have given her advice: “The virgin can no longer send you signs”, “Don’t get married! They are signs” or “Don’t get married, I feel like it’s not for you”. However, Ana Boyer’s sister has also found words of encouragement from her followers: “Don’t be discouraged, go ahead”, “Don’t worry about the dress. You have many more available” or “You don’t deserve what they have done to you, but if it has happened it will be for something”.
This Wednesday, the Bilbao firm insinuated that Tamara intended to plagiarize the design of another haute couture firm and that for this reason they decided to cut all kinds of professional relationship with her. The marquise denied it: “I categorically deny that this is true. Let’s see… How am I going to ask them to do something like that if I am the first to dedicate myself to fashion (…) What I conveyed to them were my inspirations with no intention of them copying a design”.