Tamara Falcó, porn and love between women and men: “It worries me”

About to celebrate her first anniversary as the married woman of Íñigo OnievaTamara Falcó has presented a new collection belonging to her collaboration with Pedro del Hierro and has taken the opportunity to talk about other issues, such as the evolution she believes she has experienced in recent years, love or even porn. It is not common to see the Marchioness of Griñón talk about these topics. She is a faithful Catholic, she is a very modest woman.. Although in some cases, seems to have become aware.

Thus, asked about a topic that is especially violent to her today, the daughter of the queen of hearts says in The Spanish: “The porn industry destroys the relationships that women can have with a man. In reality, they are not based at all on violence and the type of fantasy that is seen in those videos. If a child starts seeing it, they will think that this is normal and it is not.“.

Tami is aware that she is a public face and, therefore, she gives advice to young people who may see her on television, in magazines or on social networks: “The message I can leave you is to trust in Jesus. It’s what has changed my life, feeling loved unconditionally. Human love is limited, while divine love is supernatural and unconditional. When you protect yourself like this… Divine Providence takes care of you“.

Regarding his assessment of recent years, he explains: “I wouldn’t say that I have changed, but I do think thatand I have learned to have a better balance. when i won MasterChef, my career skyrocketed, I was in a whirlwind. In fact, my personal agenda was linked to my work schedule, I had no days.” In this sense, she remembers how the Marquis Consort of Griñón came into her life, after the worst months of the covid pandemic while she was immersed in a professional whirlwind. : “I met Íñigo because a friend introduced me, he celebrated his birthday in January and he told me in September of the previous year”.

From there, he experienced a turning point: “On a physical level, I didn’t feel very well and I took a microbiota test. My values ​​skyrocketed and I realized that I needed a life changebecause it was the perfect place for diseases to flourish.” So, he explains: “I started to make changes: I organized my calendar, separated staff, left blank spaces and set limits, even with family”.

And today, it is something that he complies to the letter: “For example, Íñigo and I decided to spend Saturday with his mother or mine, Sunday with another. We realized that we didn’t have time, because we arrived on Sunday night devastated. So, feeling very sorry, we chose to alternate: one Sunday with one mother, another Sunday with another. We love being with them, but it is also important to have our moment as a couple and take care of it.”

In this sense, the life lesson that he has learned these years is clear: “The most important thing in life is to set your priorities and give importance to the people who have them, which are usually family and friends. You show it with time and affection. They are the two key values ​​that I began to promote. My work is also very relevant. I would not feel fulfilled if it were not like that. But I also try, when I am with my nephews, to leave my cell phone, for example.

Speaking about family, about her relationship with her mother, Isabel Preysler, she says: “We have a very close relationship. My mother has always been a very strong woman, she has instilled values ​​in us and has always been behind us so that we can be better people.. Of course, the relationship is evolving, now I see my mother as an adult. When you are little or teenager… It is different. “He has one opinion, I have another, sometimes they agree, sometimes they don’t.”

Carlos Falcó’s daughter, who suffered the death of her father in March 2020 due to covid, knows that time flies and you have to take advantage of every moment: “In any case, I know that I have to take advantage of all the time I can, because, in the end, there is only one mother. Therefore, this maternal bond is special and unrepeatable. It is not something that will last a lifetime, so it is very important to encourage and appreciate it. I also had a very special relationship with my father.“.

Regarding the collection he presented, he explained that it was inspired by his honeymoon with Onieva in South Africa: “This collection is very personal. It doesn’t mean that the others haven’t been, but, obviously, since it is a tribute to my honeymoon, it is more intimate. I remember the vibrant colors from the trip most of all. “They are very reflected in the collection.”
