Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva cover cousin Álvaro at the funeral mass for Marta Chávarri in Madrid

More than two months after the sudden death of Marta Chavarriyour son Alvaro This Wednesday, October 4, he organized a mass in his honor in which he was surrounded by family and friends who have not let go of his hand in these months. Among all of them, his cousin Tamara Falcoone of the most important people in his life.

It must be remembered that the Marchioness of Griñón was not in Spain when Chávarri lost her life on July 21. She was on her honeymoon with Inigo Onieva in South Africa. From a distance, yes, she supported his cousin in the hardest moment of his life. Íñigo was also present this Tuesday at the mass, celebrated in the Jerónimos Church in Madrid, although the businessman and Isabel Preysler’s daughter arrived separately. Tamara’s older sister, Xandra Falcon, has also been photographed upon arrival. She faced the hardest moment of her life in September 2020, when her husband died, Jaime Carvajal de Hoyos.

Álvaro, for his part, attended his mother’s funeral accompanied by his wife, Isabelle Junot, who was very close to her mother-in-law. The desolation on both their faces has said it all. Two months later are not enough to assimilate the death of such a loved one. We must remember the family tragedy came just one month after the birth of Philippathe daughter of Álvaro and Isabelle.

Marta Zurita, niece of King Juan Carlos, has been one of the well-known faces who has also attended the solemn ceremony in memory of the ex-wife of Fernando Falcó and Alberto Cortina. They have also joined Raphael And your daughter, Alejandra Martos. It must be remembered that the singer’s wife, Natalia Figueroa, is the aunt of the missing aristocrat. Carlos TorrettaMarta Ortega’s husband, was also among the attendees, as well as Eugenia Martínez de Irujo.