Tamara and Íñigo publish their photos in Finland and he breaks into a love letter: “I want to make you happy every nanosecond”

“A few days in Ivalo (North Pole) spectacular. We came Inigo Onieva [corazón blanco] and I to see the auroras. Fail (failed) but we leave happy with some spectacular memories of a nature that remains pristine and a comfort as if you were in your own home”, has written the daughter of Isabella Preyslerwho has confirmed a wedding for 2023 exclusively, on his Instagram account this Wednesday.

Read alsoTamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva, from the “nanosecond in the metaverse” to the North Pole: this is how they celebrate their reconciliation

Along with these words, some romantic photographs with her lover, whom she has finally forgiven after the video of the Madrid car designer kissing another woman at a Festival in Nevada.

Smiling, looking at the camera, kissing on the cheek and snogging in the light of the fireplace… This is how the lovebirds have spent these days, who broke their engagement in September after his slip and have resumed it just a few months after. Seeing is believing.

On the comment wall, not everything is praise for Tamara Falcó: “Did we go crazy or what?”, “She fell off the pedestal”, “From the metaverse”, “Stumbling is not bad, becoming attached to the stone is “or” Friend, realize “, have been some of the messages that Internet users have left him.

Read alsoNo sign of the second season of Tamara Falcó’s reality: Netflix only announces the new Georgina for 2023

“I told him ‘you know that I don’t care if it was six seconds or a nanosecond in the metaverse, as long as this is true, this ends’.” Gone are these words from the Marquise de Griñón and they were so applauded on social networks for slamming the door of the man she promised him eternal love while he kissed another woman in Nevada.

Onieva’s letter

In his profile, Íñigo has also written an extensive love letter to his fiancée: “Until the end of the world together. Love wins, and it is what has prevailed and what has brought us here after these hard months, but The love we feel for each other, against all odds, has brought us back together.”

Gone is the hurricane that he himself caused: “Because as the saying goes, what does not kill us makes us stronger. And so we have come out of this nightmare, absolutely strengthened and full of happiness to resume our life project together.”

The engineer defines what he has experienced in recent months in this way: “What we experienced after our breakup has probably been the hardest and most unpleasant episode of my life. But nevertheless I keep the good, and it is that it has also been a very valuable lesson , from which I get a lot of positive readings, especially knowing, not what I want in my life, that was clear to me, but what I don’t want”.

He claims to have learned after this: “It has been a before and after, where what I draw the conclusion is that what I want most in the world is you and I am completely in love with you. You are an angel that God has placed in my path , that brings out the best in me and makes me want to be a better person personally, professionally, and spiritually.”

In this sense, he added: “It has been an apprenticeship where I realize that there is nothing that can be put before you. My absolute priority is you, your happiness and our joint project as a couple and as a family. You are my family! !”.

Thus, he promises infinity and beyond to his beloved: “My only goal is to make you happy every second of your life, or rather, every ‘nano second’. I will fight to reward the suffering that I have caused you with a life full of happiness and love. Where to share laughter, challenges, tears, projects, everything”.

After the reconciliation, he was overwhelmed with joy: “I consider myself the luckiest man in the world and I cannot admire you more- It takes a lot of courage to have given us a chance, but I won’t let you down. I love you my love “.

Lastly, he thanked the support that his family, friends and followers have given him in recent months: “I take advantage and want to thank all of you who have been supporting me, giving me love and strength during these months. Family, friends, co-workers, journalists, but also all those strangers who have taken a few minutes to send me a few lines of affection to the inbox, I have received real wonders. Thank you”. Start a new chapter…