Take Kubo, in the shop window

Less decisive than what he would have wanted since he arrived last January at the Getafe, Takefusa
Kubo This Sunday will have an unbeatable opportunity to showcase his qualities and launch his candidacy to be one of those chosen to be part of the next season of the squad of the Real

Kubo will face for the third time this course Real
Madrid. The Japanese genius will again see the faces with Zinedine
Zidane, one of the important people who will decide about his future next year. Next to Joseph
Sanchez, general director of the white team and the president Florentine
Perez, the French coach is the third leg of the men who influence the planning of the squad.

It is not very common for a player to measure himself three times in the same campaign against the same opponent in The league
Santander. And even less that he does it on loan from that rival. That will be the case Kubo, which, for the moment, has faced the Real
Madrid up to four times without much success. The white club did not apply the “fear clause” to Kubo and the Japanese could play against his home team.

Little presence against Real Madrid

But, so far, to Kubo he has not done well at all in his games against him Real
Madrid. He has played a total of three, in the ranks of the Majorca, of Villarreal and from Getafe, and their performances have practically gone unnoticed.

He only started in the clash he played with the Balearic team last season. He played the 90 minutes, lost 2-0 and barely left a cartoon dribble to Sergio
Bouquets Y Mendy that ended with a shot to the side of the net of the goal defended by Courtois.

In the other two meetings, and this year, their presence was testimonial. In the tie of Villarreal (1-1), only played the last two minutes after replacing Moi
Gomez. And in the defeat of Getafe (2-0), the match also started on the bench and played 36 'after jumping onto the pitch.

Zidane, in those three duels, he could not see the best version of a 19-year-old boy who is struggling to gain a place in the line-ups of the three teams in which he has been on loan so far. Not even in the Majorca, nor the in Villarreal, nor in the Getafe, has been the undisputed starter.

Lack of physique to be the undisputed holder

The numbers speak for themselves. With Vincent
Brown in charge, in Mallorca, of 36 matches of League who could play, was a starter in 23; in the Villarreal, it was in 2 of 16, while in the Europe
League He always started in the 5 continental games he was able to play before leaving; and, for now, in the Getafe, accumulates 6 presences in the alignments of 14 possible.

Total, Kubo, on League, since the Real
Madrid He has yielded it to other teams, he has started in 46.9 percent of the games. Perhaps, in the entity chaired by Florentine
Perez they expected the Japanese genius to spend more time on the green to complete his training. But why hasn't he played more? What is the explanation?

Your current coach, Joseph
Bordalás, spoke about Kubo and gave the key to his absence in the rosters: “Take is a magnificent kid, professional and magnificent player. It is true that he is a bit young and needs to mature, especially on a physical level. He knows it, he is working and if he takes that step on a physical level, he has enough talent to be a great player. It is the only thing that I think he lacks, “he said.

He is a bit young and needs to mature, especially on a physical level

“He has to work very hard on a physical level to handle himself well in today's football in which we all know that it is played at great speed and there is a lot of contact. He has to become very resistant in that regard. Technically he has enough quality to be that. magnificent player in whom Real Madrid has high hopes, “he added.

Creative or rocky Getafe

The media expectation it generates Kubo Wherever it is yielded, it is very high. Perhaps that does not help a kid whose absence in the line-ups always draws the attention of the media and fans, used to raising young people to the altars who fall at the same speed as they are exalted after the sound of the Fireworks.

Bordalás work with care and little by little with a player with whom he will surely not coincide again when he finishes The league. And, his presence in the eleven before him Real
Madrid it's on the wire. It depends on the bet of the technician of the Getafe, who lately chooses between two tactics.

One, the most conservative, with a concrete center of the field with Nyom, Arambarri, Maksimovic Y Cucurella in which the two most imaginative men in the club have no place, Aleñà Y Kubo. And, the other, a 4-2-3-1 with Arambarri Y Maksimovic of pivots to cover behind the creativity of a line formed by Kubo, Aleñà Y Cucurella with James
Bush above.

With the Getafe in a state of alarm due to its proximity to the descent, Bordalás will have to decide between strength or creativity to overcome the Real

In the second bet, the factor appears Kubo, who is surely eager to show himself before Zidane to claim himself as a man of the future in the white club. If he finally plays, he will enter a posh showcase from which he will try to shine in front of his teammates after three erratic attempts.