Susanna Griso, the first with the LGTB flag: “I had a brother who died of AIDS”

Susanna Griso She has shared with the public issues of her most personal life, including even a very intimate one, which is also the main reason why she has been, for a long time, a great activist in defense of LGBT rights: “because I had a brother who died of AIDS.”

The presenter has opened like this this Wednesday in El Mundo, where a large part of the interview has focused on his brother died of HIV and other loved ones who are no longer here.

Of his brother who died of AIDS, he has confessed that it was a “very painful” experience and, for this reason, he knows “perfectly what it is to come out of the closet, rejection and the fact of having and suffering from a disease that at this time was so stigmatized What was HIV like?

does not hide it

It may be that in this extensive interview he has spoken in more depth about his brother and also about the LGBT cause, because he also has a considerable group of friends who lead “very happy lives with their partners and families”, but the truth is that he did at least one more time at the 2021 Diversa Global Awards.

The journalist, when she had to give her speech upon receiving the award, dedicated it to her brother. Very moved to remember her, she decided to share with the attendees the reason for her death years ago, at a time when she unfortunately there was no treatment for this disease.

Your most recent losses

grayDuring the conversation, he also addressed two other very close deaths. In 2021, the Public mirror had to face a similar situation when his sister Monserrat died unexpectedly from a Fulminant infarction. It happened while she was live in full in the morning, which she left without thinking twice when she received such unfortunate news.

And not long before, yet another loss. His mother, with 94 yearsabandoned her forever in 2017 due to a relapse due to one stroke suffered in 2015.