Susanna Griso asks Cayetano Martínez de Irujo if Pedro Sánchez has “xenophobia towards the rich” for his latest “idea”: “I was perplexed”

Cayetano Martínez de Irujo has intervened this Thursday morning in Public Mirror to talk about some issues that shape current events such as Pedro Sánchez’s new announcement to increase taxes on those who have the most to protect the middle and working classes, according to the Government. The head of the Executive used a phrase that is being widely commented: “More public transport and less Lamborghinis”.

On this, the son of the Duchess of Alba said on Antena 3: “I was perplexedis not a phrase appropriate for a president of the Government of a country like Spain and Much less of a president like Sánchez, whom I have in consideration because I know him.“.

Regarding the relationship he has with the socialist leader, he clarified: “I have known him since before he was President of the Government, and I judge people by how they behave with me and He has always been very correct with me despite not agreeing with many of the things he does and says.“.

And on the Lamborghinis phrase, he insisted: “In this case I think it was honestly an absurd idea. “which after Maduro’s statement about bringing forward Christmas seems like a toned-down analogy, it’s an absurd thing.”

To Susanna Griso’s question about whether Pedro Sánchez “it creates a certain xenophobia towards the rich” With statements like this, the rider has said that “yes”: “In my case, being an entrepreneur cost me a lot, I was educated for the opposite and I have had to remodel, I had to earn money because I had to generate money to live“.

In this sense, Genoveva Casanova’s ex has also spoken about the inheritance that he and his brothers received from the Duchess of Alba, which at the same time separated them: “Let everyone pay according to what they have. We personally have an estate and I say this without shame, but we have not inherited a single euro, the fortune was left behind, and we have to put into value that we have to maintain what we have received, which is a great effort in every sense and especially financially.”
