supported by Maria Zurita and Alfonso de Borbon

The Goyanes-Lapique family is in great grief and sadness. Cari, in deep mourning, holding on to her daughter Carla, attended the funeral in memory of her daughter, the businesswoman Caritina, who died this Monday 26th at the age of 46. The service was held in the Church of Guadalmina, in Malaga, on Tuesday morning 27th, where friends and family came to say their last goodbyes. Her remains will be transferred to Madrid. Together with Cari and Carla was the widower, Antonio Matos.

Maria Zurita

Alfonso de Borbón Yordi and Rosauro Varo

Among the close friends who supported the family during the funeral were María Zurita, cousin of Felipe VI, Alfonso de Borbón Yordi and Eugenia Silva, Nuria González, Inés Domecq, José María García, Rosauro Varo, Elena Benarroch and Ana Gamazo. There we saw a heartbreaking scene with the endless embrace of Carla, Caritina’s sister, to her nephews Pedro and Mini Cari, and to her brother-in-law, Antonio, devastated by the tragedy. Caritina’s mother, devastated, sought comfort in her daughter and her sister Miriam. We saw Matos very affected and Jorge Benguría, the businesswoman’s brother-in-law, who also received the condolences and affection of family and friends.

The immense pain of the Goyanes-Lapique family

Grief has struck the Goyanes-Lapique family again. Just 19 days after the death of businessman Carlos Goyanes, the producer’s eldest daughter, Caritina, died at the age of 46 from a heart attack. The businesswoman was enjoying the last days of her holiday at the family home in Marbella with her husband Antonio and her children when she began to feel ill. Although she was quickly taken to hospital, nothing could be done for her life. After Caritina’s sad death, her mother Cari, who was in Mallorca, travelled urgently to Malaga to go to the funeral chapel, which was set up in the San Pedro de Alcántara funeral home.
