'SuperMackay' prolongs Sabadell's dream towards Segunda

He Sabadell will seek to return to the Second Division on Sunday after Ian Mackay to be erected in 'SuperMackay', as in the first playoff tie, against a combative Leonesa Cultural, who rose from an initial goal and was, at least, an equal to the harlequin box. After a game with alternatives and an open overtime, despite fatigue and inaccuracies, the Sabadell keeper became a figure once again, as against Atlético de Madrid B.

The Cultural Leonesa started strong, trying to hit the sides, both with Pichín and, mainly, with Kawaya, which generated various dangerous actions in the first minutes. However, the high pressure and these transitions did not break Mackay, while Sabadell was able to see the door on their first approach. In a lateral foul, Héctor Querol took advantage of the poor position of the barrier to put the 0-1 with a strong shot that neither Aitor nor Leandro could repel.

This did not stop the desire of the culturalists or the Belgian, rather the opposite. About half an hour into the game, he returned to win the game at his peer and put a service that repelled Mackay. The keeper prevented Héctor's goal after the break for hydration, on the umpteenth pass behind the backs, this time from Dioni, and after a striker's magic move, that in the hand to hand could not tie.

In the second spark of Sabadell, Aaron Rey was about to put land in between with a strong shot that hit the wood. It was one of the few attempts of the harlequin painting in the first period, although those of Antonio Hidalgo did not need any more: every time they reached the vicinity of the Leon goal, they did so with decision and with danger. Thus, in the third attempt, Aarón Rey disengaged by Iván González and put the center from the lime line, although Edgar, on goal line, could not clinch.

Shield / Flag Sabadell

Eventually, for Cultural it was almost a lesser evil to reach the break with 0-1, despite the very clear opportunity that Héctor Hernández arranged moments before, in a header from behind, since ultimately a defensive indecision caused a last chance for the Catalan team. The first of the second half, however, Gudiño had it, who entered through Pichín at halftime. The second clearing went to the cage thanks to a low center of the great protagonist of the culturalist attack: Kawaya served it from the left and Héctor Hernández put the boot to put the tie.

The Cultural tries

After a impasse, in which Sabadell seemed disoriented by the conceded goal, the two refreshment men introduced by Hidalgo, Heber Pena and Boris, devised a rapid action of danger with which they threatened the Cultural, as if to indicate that with the slightest carelessness they could pull out their teeth.

However, the dominion of the leoneses continued, although its offensive production was not very high. Aira saw it and tried to reactivate the attack by introducing often as a new variant and Samu Araujo on the left side, and the bet came out wonders, since a few minutes after jumping onto the grass both were decisive. A cross from the side to the heart of the area fell to the attacker, who released a penalty from the penalty spot strong shot before which Mackay could do nothing. The comeback was complete.

Happens that Sabadell has many lives. Despite having been at the mercy of the rival for part of the second period, until the entry of Heber and Boris, a late lateral foul led to the tie in aggregate time. The veteran Manu Lanzarote served her, Leandro cleared his fists and the rejection was close to the limits of the area. Rubio hit him with all his soul and returned the tables to a marker that trembled in the very few remaining two minutes, prior to a dreamy extension.

Cultural Shield / Flag

Far from temporizing and saving something for a supreme luck, in extra time both teams went to solve the tie on the fast track, which caused the game to open even more, but, at the same time, that the inaccuracies in attack were numerous , also considering that the legs weighed. So it was so Araujo broke in the last bars of the first half. Benito came for him and in his first action was close to scoring the third, but a defender cleared for a corner. The replica, also without luck, was put by Lanzarote.

In the last move of regulation time, after the expulsion of Iván González, Lanzarote was about to do the 2-3, but Leandro avoided it with a paradox that decreed the penalty shootout. And up to 12 were marked of the pull. With the thirteenth stopped, Leandro put pressure. But for Ian Mackay there is no pressure that is worth it. 'SuperMackay' made an appearance, as on several occasions during the match, to turn the scoreboard thanks to two decisive stops that allowed him to perform his second miracle in the playoff, since he had already been a hero in the first round against Atlético de Madrid B.

Repelled the maximum penalty of Benito, thus the Cultural fell, with a sadness that contrasted with the joy that the goalkeeper with the name of the attacker awoke in his family. And so, awake, a Sabadell wants to dream that he will seek to return to the Second Division on Sunday five years after his descent. Ian Mackay through.