The Kansas City Chiefs win the San Francisco 49ers 20-31 after losing 20-10 in the absence of seven minutes. The stellar performance of his young quarterback allowed the comeback

Patrick Mahomes, with the NFL champion trophy.
The game, play by play
In 1985, Dan Marino, 23 years old and already MVP of the NFL, took his Miami Dolphins to the Super Bowl. The beginning of a dynasty, everyone ventured. There the San Francisco 49ers were waiting for him, who forced one of the worst games of the prodigy and won the title. “It doesn't matter, you'll have more opportunities,” the logic shouted. He did not have them. Marino will not return to the decisive game and will retire as the best quarterback I never won a ring.
In 2020, Patrick Mahomes, 24 years old and already MVP of the NFL, took his Kansas City Chiefs to the Super Bowl. The beginning of a dynasty, everyone ventured. All were waiting for the San Francisco 49ers, who for three quarters and a half forced one of the worst games of the prodigy and, 20-10 up in the absence of seven minutes, touched the title. “It doesn't matter, you'll have more opportunities,” the logic began to shout. And then Mahomes mand shut up.
The Chiefs were (slightly) favorite because their quarterback is the best thing that has happened to the NFL since Aaron Rodgers. A show with legs capable of everything we know can be done and things that until now we considered impossible. You pass without looking, 60-yard bombs running to the side and throwing to the contrary, balls filtered by non-existent holes … Mahomes has turned the miracle into routine, but none of that was seen in Miami for three-and-a-half quarters. In part, due to his own inaccuracies (especially in two difficultly justifiable interceptions), but mainly due to the 49ers who imposed his party plan for a long time: long attacks to limit the offensive possessions of his explosive rival and constant harassment of his portentous Defensive line to a Mahomes who ran more to save his life than to win yards.
Thus, and with the infinite capacity of his coach, Kyle Shanahan, to manufacture with the selection of plays advantages superior to the talent that it has, the Californians were winners. Unfortunately for the technician, surely the best offensive mind in the league, the ghost of Christmas past was coming back to torture him.
Three years ago, Shanahan was the offensive coordinator of the Atlanta Falcons, whom I turned into the best attack of the season and led the Super Bowl to a 28-3 lead well ahead of the Patriots. Then I discovered by the bad that miracles exist. That miracle was called Tom brady, who leads a legendary comeback. Crossing with the best quarterback History has these things. Now that Brady seems withdrawn (and that he is only 42 years old), poor Kyle will cross Mahomes. That is torture.
Although before depressing you should look at two things: your ID (only 40 years old) and the rival bench. There, his immense body bathed in orange Gatorade, finally smiles Andy Reid. Like him, a coach ahead of his time in terms of attack, always a favorite and never a champion, the sambenito of loser hung on the back for two decades. At 61 years old it was finally taken away and the world is a little more fair today. The good guys, sooner or later, win.
The geniuses, rather before. That is why Mahomes was able to forget his strange previous mediocrity with two drives For the memory in just five minutes. The first crowned him with a pass touchdown to Travis Kelce, your float for scrambled seas. 20-17. The 49ers were afraid and their quarterback, Jimmy Garoppole Record that plays in another league to that of his rival. Remarkable until then, it was diluted as a sugar in the final section, allowing the unforgivable: that the ball returned to Mahomes, which was relentless. Each pass, a nail. The one who closed the coffin, with suspense. I received Damien Williams and the arbitrators granted the touchdown. The repetition showed that he was stepping out at the same time that the tip of the ball reached the mark line. Is it worth it or not? The review was long, but showed no conclusive evidence to change and the decision remained. One millimeter 20-24. Life is capricious.
There were two minutes left, but everything was already decided. The defense of the Chiefs did their job and Williams even swelled the score until the final 20-31, but everything was already pure dressing. No one remembered Bosa already Buckner, to Mostert already Juszczyk (there is no typo). Not even to Shakira Y Jennifer Lopez, whose show of rest reached memorable doses of hydrangea and brilliance, said this as praise, that we are in the Super Bowl. Since that time Katy Perry Act accompanied by apparently smoked sharks, there had been no Show more fun The music, already such. They and I devour them Patrick Iavon Mahomes II, who for three quarters feared to be Dan Marino and for ten minutes I decided to be Superman. Choose well. Although I never return (and should return often), it is already in history.
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