The actress has been at the center of controversy for days for some statements she made with her husband, Aldo Comaslast Saturday during the Feroz Awards gala. Asked about the recent complaints of sexual harassment in the world of film and acting, both took a stand in favor of the victims but also asked for respect for the presumption of innocence of the accused, especially when there is no official complaint: “We are creating a witch hunt that for many people has been unfair, now all the guys are screwed. And they added: “Let them report it, let them go to the police and not to Instagram, let them go to the courts and not to the TV, let them go where they have to go to report something so disgusting.”
Her words unleashed a barrage of criticism and although the actress initially claimed to be calm (“I don’t think about the impact that the things I say have”), she has decided to issue a statement to settle the controversy once and for all. It reiterates that it is “frontally against and I strongly condemn any type of abuse or aggression, physical or psychological, that unfortunately many women suffer today,” but also advocates for freedom of expression, the presumption of innocence and official channels that guarantee citizen protection: “I firmly believe in the fundamental right to freedom of expression and in the right to express an opinion through the channel or medium that each person considers appropriate, but I also believe in the presumption of innocence and in the work of the courts as guarantors of justice and the rights and freedoms of all citizens”.
Finally, Macarena Gomez regrets “that my words may have been misinterpreted” and thus settles the controversy “by reiterating my support and solidarity with those who have been victims of aggression or abuse.”
