The Spanish women’s water polo team beat France (4-16) on Tuesday in the third match of the 2022 European Championship in Split (Croatia), a triumph that allows them to return to the path of victory after losing to Italy.
Spain came out in tune despite the difficulties to open the scoring. A bolt from Emilien Bugeaud who waited with a missed penalty from the favourites. In this way, the rivals grew and went ahead thanks to their captain Louise Guillet and Vernoux (2-0).
A favorable result for the French in the first quarter, although Maica and Anni revived their team -after the initial scare- and the Spanish chained a 0-7 run in the second quarter to dispel doubts before the break (3 -9).

At the start, the difference continued to increase and Oca’s men prevailed in the third quarter 1-4, with a final period that was also favorable (0-2) to comfortably close the match. In the end, with a 4-16 they advanced waiting for the next match against Israel.