The national team wins Slovenia (34-32) thanks to the great game show and a final genius of lex Dujshebaev

Morros and Guardiola celebrate an action, this Friday.
The sport is not a war, although they are compared from the Ilada de Homer, and no team has exemplified it better than this Spain. Two samples. The first: minutes before playing it all, as the first semifinal was lengthening, the selection, full of parents, is entertained in the playground mounted inside the Stockholm Tele2 Arena, while his rival, Slovenia, is nervous about The hallways of the pavilion. The second: minutes after qualifying for his third consecutive European final, that Lex Dujshebaev closed a game that lasted too long, players like Julen Aguinagalde or Viran Morros They played with a ball in their feet and imagined a small party. There is no battle here, there are no heroics; Here is a group of friends having dinner on the terrace one summer night.
Dispossessed by the age of exaltation and aware of the family impact of his sport, the team beat Slovenia (34-32) having a pleasant time. It was hard to say goodbye, but that was the least of it. This set is history, of course it is, only the Sweden of Magnus Wislander He had remained so much on the top of the continent, but he lives it daily. One of the players admits in the semifinal preview, that his partner will not be in the stands because – “you know” – he could not have asked for the day. It is the attitude that goes with a handball. Or vice versa.
This Spain makes everything easy and how difficult this is. Almost impossible. It consists of players who have deciphered all the puzzles that their sport poses and now simply enjoy their knowledge. There was Daniel Sarmiento, for example, moving the 14 men on the track at will, now to one side, now to another, and suddenly, a back pass to Ferran Sol To the extreme. There was Ral EntrerroYes, another example, playing trilero, where is the ball, where is the ball, until a plucked Slovenia was behind her goalkeeper, Klemen Ferlic. The difference that decanted the semifinal of the European opened at the end of the first part (13-9, min. 20) and if it did not make it before it was because the team that directs Jordi Ribera He woke up with two losses in his statistics and a 0-2 against.
When he cleaned the legaas and began to work in defense, he began his exhibition between rapid counterattacks of Angel Fernndez, that just room of a stomach virus, and Sun. Help and much Slovenia that wanted to win to Spain being Spain and that, oh friend!, is a temerity. They just went back to collide, they let the team play and play, well, if I played. In the second part, the challenge for the Spanish team was to prevent the meeting from rising and got it until at the end, a nonsense, a header, complicated the outcome. Slovenia, more by faith than by game, was put on a goal (33-32, min. 59) and a genius of lex Dujshebaev, somewhat of a portentous hip, was needed to finish the game. It became long, frankly. And the environment did not help.
Absent Spanish and Slovenian from the stands, the Norwegian and Croatian fans who filled the stands of Tele2 Arena left or simply stayed there for dinner and nobody celebrated the goals, the stops. Spain simply won the game, secured his eighth medal in a European, his third consecutive continental final, that is, he made history and left, that he had to pick up the children, to go through the super, to scrub the dishes, the things of the day to day.
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