Spain and France, the only countries with a positive balance in winter

Despite the situation that Spanish football is experiencing due to COVID-19, the national football market is still booming compared to the rest of Europe. Spain and France are the only major leagues with a positive balance after the closing of the winter market, unlike that of Germany, with a negative balance of 38 million euros; United Kingdom, € -36M and Italy, € -5M. “Compared with the previous season, both the United Kingdom and Italy are not adjusting to the economic situation. The investment situation continues to be high and could lead to difficult situations,” said José Guerra., Corporate General Director of LaLiga.

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Comparison of the winter market in the five major leagues.

What the tables do show are the reductions in transfer spending. In Spain, during the last winter market the teams spent 21 million euros, far from the 139 of the previous season in this same period, before the pandemic. Same data that can be seen in Europe. The United Kingdom spent 91 million euros in the same period, compared to 239 in 2019-20 (the market that spent the most in both years).

Spain is also strengthened in the accumulated market comparison, where it has a positive balance, (the only country in the major leagues) unlike the 2019-20 season, where it was -120 million. The rest of the major leagues have had more expenses than income, again highlighting the United Kingdom, with -624 million euros of balance. Regarding the cost of transfers during the winter market, the international product was more in demand than the national. The Spanish teams spent 10.3 million euros on foreign players, for the 9.8M € spent on national transfers.