Soraya Arnelas loses the baby she was expecting with Miguel Ángel Herrera: “They have been sad moments”

Soraya Arnelas (41) has lost the baby she was expecting with her husband, the businessman Miguel Ángel Herrera (34). The singer announced the sad news through a statement on Instagram, where she clarified that, despite feeling disappointed, this situation has made her “value what one has.” Mother of the little ones Manuela, 6 years old, and Olivia, of 2, he hoped to start “a large family.”

“We are not very good at communicating this type of news, you know that we always try to maintain a cheerful line on our networks, but, as in life, it cannot always be like that.
In this case, we would not have liked to have to share this news, but we thought we should do it because of the love and respect that you give our entire family every day.

Unfortunately, we lost the baby that was on the way a few weeks ago,” the artist has advanced in her latest post.

The last days for the marriage have not been easy. However, they try to keep the good. “They have been sad moments, we really wanted to be able to be a large family, but sometimes plans are not in one's hands. We have allowed some time to pass to be able to write these lines from calm, from reason and from love, without anger involved. This experience has taught us one of the most important lessons that life can give you: value what you have and enjoy it every day. If we were already aware of it, now even more so.”

“We are fortunate, and we are grateful for having two wonderful and healthy daughters who are being our greatest support, who give us strength and make us fight every day and bring a smile despite the circumstances. We are a big little family, “We have done a great job together these days to face these moments.” For the singer, “The only way” to face her abortion is to ensure “the union” of her family and “with a lot of love.”

“We continue with dreams and family projects”

“We do not want to overlook all the families who have gone through these moments like us, We want to send a message of encouragement and an infinite hug to all of them. Life doesn't stop, there is a lot to celebrate, a lot to live… We continue to have dreams and family projects, which with calm and time will find their moment, God willing.
Once again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. We send you an infinite hug,” she concluded.

The singer has accompanied this text with a drawing that her eldest daughter made when she heard the news. “Manuela found a way to express her feelings and she did it through painting in this painting that we keep with great affection.” “We think it's the most special image we could share with you,” has settled.

The pregnancy was going “very good”

The birth of the baby was scheduled for the month of July, coinciding with the first anniversary of the wedding between the former contestant of Triumph operation and the model. In an exclusive to Week pointed out that the birth was going to be “scheduled cesarean section” due to the urethral detachment he had during Manuela's birth and a navel hernia that he also suffers from. He was a “highly sought after” baby. On social media he showed his three-month-old belly and stated that he was going through “a very good pregnancy.”