The Danish Royal House She prefers to act Swedish but, behind closed doors, at Amalienborg Palace they are working frantically to defuse the crisis, with unpredictable consequences, that threatens the Heir and future head of State and his marriage to Mary Donaldson after the new scandal involving Federico for his Madrid getaway and his photos with the Mexican Genoveva Casanova in Madrid.
At almost 84 years old, the almighty Queen Margaret She faces once again the unexemplary misdeeds of her people, in this case of her first-born son, destined to be head of state and king like her. Frederick will be the supreme authority in the Danish People’s Church and also the commander-in-chief of the Danish Armed Forces.
For the good of the institution and the queen’s grandchildren: protect the Great Dane
In her frantic work to stop any outburst on the part of Mary Donaldson, humiliated again by her husband, Queen Margaret tries to value Mary and Frederick’s four children above her son’s behavior: Christian, 18 years old, future Heir to the Throne, Isabella, 16, Vincent and Josefina, 12. Federico is called Prince Turbo but now in Spain we could well nickname him the Great Dane.
The queen is confident that despite the embarrassing evidence, and the fact that the scandal has been made public at the worst time and in the worst way, Princess Mary has always known how to keep her cool, despite the rumors. Flawless in her public appearances, Mary Donaldson has always maintained her looks since she met the prince during the Sydney Olympics in 2000.
Considered by all experts in royal houses as the Danish version of her relative Queen Elizabeth II, they say that Mary Donaldson’s mother-in-law is tough to take and certainly the Queen Margaret has acted with a heavy hand when it has had its own ‘annus horribilis’, such as those faced by the British monarchy (the year of Charles’ divorce from England and the death of Lady Di in 1997) or with the Spanish monarchy in the year of Botswana or with Urdangarin and the Nóos Case.
Margarita’s late husband, the Frenchman Enrique de Laborde de Monpezat, gave her much trouble in life, both for his determination to be king consort or refusing to be buried next to her if he was not granted the distinction, and for his statements about the women, hunting or their relationships with prostitutes.
Queen Margaret also had to deal with all the scandals of her youngest son, Prince Joachim, among others. But the Heir’s case is of unusual relevance, although the Genoveva Casanova scandal is not Federico’s first. His wife, the princess consort, has endured the situation despite other rumors that circulated about the private life of her husband and father of her four children.

Mary Donaldson, on this occasion, tried to appear normal during her public presentation on Tuesday with her mother-in-law and the kings of Spain after it was revealed that her husband had been on a secret trip to Madrid while she was working in New York, on October 25. .
But at dinner time this Tuesday, the photographs of the Mexican businesswoman Genoveva Casanova and Federico from Denmark walking together through the streets of Madrid were already on the cell phones of the journalists stationed in Copenhagen and on those of many members of the Glücksburg house.
It is not the first time that the Australian lawyer has had to face a similar scandal
Not even the most hieratic of the members of the Oldenburg dynasty, among whom, in addition to Queen Margaret, Queen Sofia of Spain or the late Duke Philip of Edinburgh, who were trained to be inexpressive, could not hide at a state dinner full of photographers the impression caused by some images of the heir to the Danish throne sharing confidences, an intimate evening and even spending the night at the home of the ex-wife of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, son of the Duchess of Alba.
It was of no use that the heir to the Danish throne and his wife tried to appear normal or even smile in front of the cameras, ignoring the fact that everyone knew that he was the absolute protagonist of the social chronicle of Spain, Denmark and Australia, and all of this in full visit of Felipe VI and Letizia.
The elegant dinner held at the Glyptotek, the Ny Carlsberg Museum in Copenhagen, turned into a whisper that shocked the 130 guests, some of whom asked who Genoveva Casanova is, to where the Parque del Retiro and the Corral de la Corral are. Moreria.

Uncoordinated and inconclusive communications: This is not what it seems
Even more tremendous has been finding that THIS IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS by Genoveva Casanova. The different attitude of Mary from Denmark before and after the existence of the report was revealed only increased the thunderous murmur of the rumors that became news and that at that time were already shaking the Danish press, affected by a shock comparable to the that we would have in Madrid if some images of Felipe VI appeared in Copenhagen with a famous woman while Letizia was on a trip to New York.

Nor were the official reactions well managed or coordinated, both from the Danish Royal House and from Genoveva Casanova herself, whose version varied as the afternoon progressed and the moment of publication of the bomb approached.
The Royal House took refuge in its policy of not commenting on private matters and in its commitment to respect the privacy of members of the Royal Family. It was Queen Margaret of Denmark herself who imposed the note.
The Danish Parliament even asked that Frederick renounce his dynastic rights.
However, Mary Donaldson is trained to withstand earthquakes like this. It is not the first time that the Australian lawyer has had to face a similar scandal. She knows that she has been married for 19 years (in March you celebrate your two decades together) with the so-called “turbo prince”, a nickname that Frederick of Denmark receives for his love of nights out, his problems with the law or his dalliances with models and beauties, such as Malou Aamund, Katja Storkholm, MAria Montell, Bettina Ödum and a long etcetera. So much so that in 1992, when he was not yet married, the Danish Parliament even asked that Frederick renounce his dynastic rights.
Just four years after getting married, the prince was caught kissing an attractive brunette during a night out in the Danish capital. In 2017, the Danish press published that the prince had been unfaithful to his wife, and that he had to pay 7,000 euros to silence the case. In 2020, it was revealed that Prince Frederick owned a secret property in Switzerland valued at one and a half million euros. Members of the Danish royal family cannot spend a crown of their allowance abroad without express permission from the government.