Six members of the Paralympic Athletics Promises Team gather in Bilbao


Six of the ten athletes that make up the Liberty Paralympic Athletics Promises Team recently met in Bilbao to continue preparing upcoming national and international competitions and to carry out a series of biomechanical studies and genetic analyzes to influence their improvement. young talents, as reported this Friday by the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE).

Winsdom Asisosa, Tania Castillo, Joan Sirera, Elena Latre, Gonzalo Iniesta and Gerard Vivas, under the supervision of the technical manager, Eugenio Barrios, met at the Public University of the Basque Country (UPV) where they worked for several days with special plans for training and, above all, with those specific tests that seek to improve their performance with a view to 2022 where there will be a World Cup in Kobe (Japan) in September.

The athletes, thanks to the invaluable help of ‘Emen4Sport’, a company specialized in high performance, underwent a series of biomechanical and genetic studies, at the same time that they also received psychological talks in which they were taught relaxation techniques.