sin photoshop y sin Kate Middleton

Just 24 hours after Trooping the Color 2024 (with the aforementioned assistance of Kate Middleton), the British royal family has reappeared this Sunday on their social networks for Father’s Day in the United Kingdom. Through the Instagram account of the princes of Wales, George, Charlotte and Louis They have congratulated their father with an emotional publication. Unlike the controversial image they published last March for Mother’s Day, a snapshot that was photoshopped, the princes of Wales have opted for an unretouched and much more casual photo.

In the image, the heir to the throne appears hugging his three children while looking at the sea. Likewise, along with the snapshot, they have added: “We love you dad, Happy Father’s Day“Although there is no trace of Kate Middleton in the image, Prince William’s wife is behind the publication.

As indicated in the post, the photograph was taken by the Princess of Wales herself throughout 2024. This indicates that, in recent months, when the daughter-in-law of Charles III was undergoing treatment without attending any event institutional, the Princes of Wales and their three children would have taken the opportunity to take a family getaway to the coast.

The publication also hints at how Prince Harry’s brother has devoted himself to his three children while his wife Kate Middleton and his father Charles III were dealing with his tough cancer treatment. During these months, there have been several times that we have seen Prince William enjoying the company of his children. Last March, the Duke of Cambridge attended the English Cup final with his eldest son.
